Compassion Fatigue Counseling for Laboratory Animal Professionals
“Any mind that is capable of a real sorrow is capable of good”
Compassion Fatigue webinar conducted by Anneke Kezier BS, MBA, RLATg, CCFP, Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional, hosted by The Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Tuesday, May 31st, 2:30-3:30pm
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Anneke Keizer, co-owner and founder of CopePlus, a small company specializing in setting up Compassion Fatigue Support Programs for professionals working with laboratory animals.
In the course of a diverse 36-year career in all aspect of Laboratory Animal Science, Anneke Keizer has proven to be a skilled manager, with a deep understanding of the needs and problems laboratory animal professionals face each day. Prior to starting her own counseling bureau for professionals working with laboratory animals, Anneke was associate director of Laboratory Animal Resources at Princeton University, responsible for daily operations of the animal facility in the department of psychology. Earlier in her career, Anneke was associate director, Laboratory Animal Resources at Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, NJ where she developed skills such as long-term training, administrative, and managerial (including Laboratory Animal care management and labor relations) experiences.
Anneke Keizer holds a Bachelor of Laboratory Animal Science degree and a Master of Business Administration (Labor Relations) degree. She is LATg certified, is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional (CCFP) and an ILAM graduate.