Financial Literacy Week October 16th – 20th

The Financial Aid Office will be kicking off our Financial Literacy Week during the middle of October. We will have various topics throughout the week each focusing on different literacy topics. Please RSVP and join us at the following dates and times below. Free food will be provided at each event.

October 16: Ask Financial Aid/ Early Halloween, Time: 11 AM – 12:30 PM, Location: MET Lobby
o Join us in the MET Lobby from 11-12:30 as we will be passing out candy and snacks as an early Halloween treat. We will also be available to answer any financial aid questions you may have.

October 17: Financial Literacy: Managing Your Budget, Time: 12 – 1 PM, Location: LIBRD 311
o We will discuss the importance of early personal financial management. In addition, this event will walk students through how to review a yearly budget and introduce the campus community to the various financial wellness services available within our office.

October 19: Diagnosis Money: Understanding How To Analyze a Job Offer & Deconstruct a Salary, Time: 12 – 1 PM, Location: LIBRD 311
o Paul Goebel from the UNT Denton Money Management Center will be on campus to provide information about breaking down a job offer and deconstructing a salary to help provide insight as you prepare for your job search.

October 20: Financial Literacy: Home Ownership, Time: 12 – 1 PM, Location: LIBRD 311
o Please join us as Michelle Enriquez, the VP, Relationship Manager, and Student Lending of Citizens Bank will discuss how to start the homeownership process and what you should look for.