Join us for Financial Aid Week, October 25th – 27th. We will have presentations throughout the week to help prepare you both in and outside of the classroom. Free food will be provided at each event. RSVP today!
Tue 10/25 – Opportunities through the Air Force. 12 – 1 PM, MET 109
United States Air Force Technical Sergeant Adam Wriglesworth will be on campus informing us of what opportunities are available through the US Air Force. TSgt Wriglesworth will also talk about the various military scholarship opportunities that are available for the various programs we have on campus. Free pizza will be provided. RSVP Today!
Wed 10/26 – Financial Aid early Trick or Treat! 12 – 1:30 PM, MET Lobby
The Financial Aid office will be in the MET Lobby passing out candy and snacks as an early Halloween treat. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have in regards to financial aid. RSVP Today!
Thurs 10/27 – Financial Readiness. 12:30 -1:30 PM, MET 109
Paul Goebel from the UNT Denton Money Management Center will be on campus to give us some insight and help on Financial Readiness. Paul and his team have many resources available to help you if you choose. During the presentation, he will cover multiple issues, situations, and ways to become financially ready. The following topics will be covered: Building Credit, Buying Your First Home, and Student Loan Repayment. Free Potbelly’s will be provided. RSVP today!