Wednesday 4/10
MET Lobby 11:00am – 1:00pm
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo will be in the MET Lobby answering any questions you have related to financial literacy, loan repayment, consolidation, and any other financial related questions you have. Stop by and say hello!
Thursday 4/11
MET Lobby 11:00am – 1:00pm
Navy & Air Force on campus
The United States Air Force and Navy will be on campus in the MET Lobby to answer any military questions you may have. Stop by and ask about military scholarship opportunities that are available for the various programs we have at UNTHSC.
Friday 4/12
MET Lobby 11:00am – 1:00pm
Financial Aid Office Ask Us Anything
The Financial Aid Office will be in the MET Lobby answering any questions you have related to financial literacy, loan repayment, consolidation, and any other financial related questions you have. Stop by and say hello!