The University of North Texas Health Science Center is looking for 20 subjects to take part in a study that will assess microvascular oxygen levels on your mouth, hand, forehead, temple, and ear-lobe during a test of simulated bleeding using a technique called “lower body negative pressure”
You must be: -Healthy, non-nicotine user (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, nicotine patch) -Aged between 18-45 years
Study Requirements: -Visit the laboratory in the Department of Integrative Physiology & Anatomy at UNTHSC on 2 separate days -Day 1: familiarization session; 1-2 hours -Day 2: experimental session; up to 4 hours -Participation in this study is voluntary, and if you are a student or employee of UNTHSC your participation (or non-participation) will in no way affect your academic standing or employment -Subjects will be compensated for their time and effort
If you are interested in participating in this study as a research subject, please contact Dr. Caroline Rickards via email ( or phone (817-735-2735)