Electronic Lab Notebook available- register for training now

The University of North Texas Health Science Center Research Office has licensed the online electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) platform LabArchives in order to provide research laboratories a free, secure and easily accessible means to manage laboratory information. Information about the platform can be found on it’s campus web page- https://www.unthsc.edu/research/electronic-laboratory-notebook/.

LabArchives will be hosting it’s thrid online training session specifically for the UNTHSC campus on

Wednesday, Oct 19 from 11am ? 12pm CDT.

Please use the URL below to sign-up. You will then be provided with information on how to attend the online Webinar.


For those who do not have the capability to attend at their own location the webinar will also be hosted in CBH-260. Feel free to bring your computing devices to help you follow along and get familiar with the platform as we go through the webinar.

If you have any question please contact Dr. Katrina Gordon katrina.gordon@unthsc.edu, 817-735-5127.