EBAC Holiday Decorating Contest!!

EBAC Holiday Decorating Contest

Please decorate your department work area to get everyone in the holiday spirit!! The decorations should be put up between November 28 and December 9. Please take a picture and send to EBAC@unthsc.edu before 5:00 p.m. on December 9. Very important: Please have a sign stating your department name and room # somewhere in the picture. A voting link will be posted on the Daily News on December 13 & 14 for voting; and winners announced on the Daily News and through email on December 16.

Go ahead and jump into the Holiday spirit and start decorating!

Winners will receive:

1st place: A nice plaque to display in office and pizza for up to 12 people
2nd place: Donuts for up to 12 people
3rd place: Candy for up to 12 people

If you have any questions, please contact EBAC@unthsc.edu