Application Deadline: November 1, 2022
Application link:
The Early Stage Investigator Pilot Grants Program awards are intended to assist early-stage investigators as they launch their independent research careers. The awards may be used for the collection of preliminary data, equipment, or research assistance necessary to strengthen an extramural grant application. Applications for both clinical and basic science research are encouraged. Faculty who receive support through this program are expected to collect preliminary data to submit a research proposal for extramural funding.
Eligibility: Applicants must be early-stage investigators, as defined by the NIH. An Early Stage Investigator is a principal investigator who has completed their terminal degree or post graduate clinical training within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as PI for a major NIH independent research award.
Applications: Applications are accepted through InfoReady. Proposal will include the following:
- ESI Cover Page [on the InfoReady submission platform]
- Application Research Plan – 2 pages containing the following sections: Specific Aims (1 Page) & Brief description of the Research Approach (1 Page)
- NIH biosketch (PI only)
- Detailed Budget
- Budget Justification
- Departmental Letter(s) of Support
- SMART Goals
For additional details, please visit the Research Enhancement Assistance Program (REAP) webpage.