Draft 2018 Strategic Plan emphasizes One University

Note: President Williams emailed this to the team on April 13. If you have difficulty accessing this plan — https://insite.unthsc.edu/see2020/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2017/04/See-2020-Roadmap-2018_04_11-1.pdf — please contact the Help Desk, 817-735-2192 or helpdesk@unthsc.edu.


I wanted to share with you our draft Fiscal Year 2018 Strategic Plan that outlines our priorities for the next year. The plan will be distributed with the 2018 budget packets to ensure everyone will know our strategy to build and align budgets accordingly.

I am appreciative to our team for realigning the strategic planning process to have the draft in time for budget season-great work! Although still a draft until June 2017, the plan incorporates input from many stakeholders, in keeping with my pledge during last fall’s Town Hall to encourage diversity of thought in decision making. Thank you to all who contributed. Because of your input, no major changes to the plan are expected.

You will see that this plan includes our vision to be One University by January 2020, which I described in last month’s Town Hall. One University means we will be One Team with One Plan.

This Strategic Plan is that One Plan and is based upon:

  • Creating a sustainable people culture
  • Defining and producing the providers* of the future
  • Building financial strength
  • Doing extraordinary teamwork every day
*Providers of research, teaching and health care delivery and public health delivery, working in interprofessional teams drawn from all disciplines

As you review this plan I strongly encourage you to answer these three questions and discuss your responses with your supervisor:

  1. How is the UNTHSC strategic plan relevant to you?
  2. How does your work contribute to our success?, and
  3. How will you benefit when together we achieve our goals?

As always, thank you for everything you do each day to help UNTHSC make a positive difference in the world. I am proud to be on one team with you.

Dr. Michael R. Williams