Dr. Licciardone was a featured speaker on the opening day of the Congresso Internacional de Osteopatia (CIOST 22) in Brazil. His presentation, which was entitled “What Does the Research on Osteopathy and Low Back Pain Say? A Retrospective Cohort Study Based in the United States,” reviewed 40 years of research involving randomized controlled trials of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for low back pain and concluded that a new research paradigm is needed to adequately measure the effectiveness of OMT when integrated within the overall medical care of patients with low back pain. He then presented results of his study involving 1358 participants in the PRECISION Pain Research Registry, demonstrating statistically significant and clinically important benefits with OMT that involve improved pain, physical function, and health-related quality of life outcomes.
The English-language version of his presentation is available here.