UNT System Human Resources sent this email to all team members on Jan. 8, 2020:
At the University of North Texas System, our people – students, faculty and staff – form the backbone of our world-class institutions. And whether it’s a physical or virtual environment, safety and security for our people is a top priority across UNT World.
With that in mind, we are requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) across UNT World for faculty and staff as it relates to sensitive payroll and direct deposit information. This means that all faculty and staff from UNT System Administration and all UNT System institutions will be asked to protect their identity and valuable personal information from cyber threats by registering for multi-factor authentication by Jan. 30, 2020, through our security partner, DUO.
Cyber security is top-of-mind in Texas this week, as Gov. Greg Abbott announced yesterday that websites belonging to state agencies have seen an increase in attempted cyberattacks coming out of Iran, amounting to about 10,000 per minute.
In order to take advantage of DUO’s industry-leading security features, simply enroll online at https://mfa.untsystem.edu. Once securely enrolled, you will be able to update your direct deposit information in EIS.
Click here for a helpful list of FAQ related to these additional security benefits.
For technical questions or assistance, please contact your local department’s IT support group, or the UNT System Service Desk at 940-565-HELP (4357) or ITHELP@untsystem.edu.