Please see application requirements on the announcement website. Interested faculty will need to submit on InfoReady.
Internal Submission Deadline: December 22, 2023
Deadline: January 16, 2024
Award Amount: Up to $250,000
The Texas Legislature has charged the CPRIT Oversight Committee with establishing program priorities on an annual basis. These priorities are intended to provide transparency with regard to how the Oversight Committee directs the orientation of the agency’s funding portfolio.
To accomplish CPRIT s long-term vision, the Oversight Committee has identified these 2024
- Investing in the cancer research capacity of Texas institutions through recruitment of cancer scholars, investment in core facilities, and investment in individual investigator awards in all regions of the state;
- Building the Texas cancer life science ecosystem across Texas by bridging discovery and translational research into early-stage company products with high impact on cancer patient care and creating economic development for the State of Texas; and
- Increasing the capacity for Texas to have a significant impact on cancer prevention and early detection, ultimately decreasing cancer incidence and mortality.
- Established Principles:
- Scientific excellence and impact on cancer
- Increasing the life sciences infrastructure in all regions of the state CPRIT RFA R-24.2.-HIHR High-Impact/High-Risk Research Awards p.5/20
- Reducing cancer disparities The program priorities for academic research adopted by the Oversight Committee include funding projects that address the following:
- Recruitment of outstanding cancer researchers to Texas
- Investment in core facilities
- A broad range of innovative, investigator-initiated research projects
- Implementation research to accelerate the adoption and deployment of evidence-based prevention and screening interventions and population research addressing cancer disparities.
- Computational oncology and analytic methods
- Childhood and adolescent cancers
- Hepatocellular cancer
- Expanding access to innovative clinical trials, particularly to regions of the state currently with limited access