From the HSC Helpdesk (ITS)
HSC Faculty and Staff,
We wanted to make you aware of upcoming changes to the VPN or remote connection tool currently in place.
If you currently use Cisco AnyConnect to connect to the network remotely, this change will affect you and you will need to download our new tool, Global Protect (Palo Alto). Some of you may have already seen this program show up on your computers within the last few days.
If you currently do not use VPN, this email does not apply to you and this change will likely not affect you.
You can follow the step by step instructions to install GlobalProtect on your machine (if it is not already installed) in the following link:
When is the cut-off date for our current VPN tool, Cisco AnyConnect?
Cisco AnyConnect will be disabled on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
Why are we changing VPN tools?
The primary reason for this change is enhanced security for both the UNTHSC network and you (the user).
What are the benefits to switching to the new tool?
This new VPN solution will allow HSC to integrate the same multifactor solution we use with EIS and Microsoft 365 through your existing DUO application and settings. The use of multifactor solutions (MFA) increases the security of HSC’s networks and devices as well as the security of our users accounts.
I am having difficulties upgrading to the new VPN Tool. Can I get help from IT?
If you are experiencing challenges upgrading to Global Protect (Palo Alto), please contact the Help Desk via email or phone: or 817-735-2192.
Can I opt-out of this change?
Opting-Out of this change is not possible. The current VPN tool (Cisco AnyConnect) will remain active for a period of time, but will eventually be disabled. It’s strongly recommended that everyone that uses VPN begins the switch to Global Protect (Palo Alto) at their earliest convenience.
Thank you so much for working with us during this transition period.
ITS Helpdesk
Gibson D. Lewis Library • 202