Celebrate National Rural Health Week November 13-17

The Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Office of Rural Medical Education (ROME) is proud to join communities across the nation in celebration of National Rural Health Week from November 13-17. There will be activities throughout the entire week on campus, culminating with National Rural Health Day on Thursday, November 16. Join us as we celebrate our rural communities.

National Rural Health Week Calendar of Events

Monday:  “Faces of Rural” share your rural-ty on #PowerofRural, #NationalRuralHealthDay

Tuesday: “Launching Your International Healthcare Career” Dr. Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH
12:00 p.m., LIB 110. Reserve your spot here: https://unthsc.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9473796

Wednesday: “Awareness then Advocacy”.  Highlighting the realities of rural healthcare through social media.

Thursday:  “NRHD Luncheon: Rural Medicine Has Its Privileges” Dr Ryan Morris, DO. Meet the ROME Class of        2027, Rural Scholarship Awardees, Rural Scholars, faculty and staff! 12:00 p.m., RES 100

Friday: “roDeO – TCOM style!” Alumni Plaza, HSC Campus, 2 – 4 PM Try your rural skills in (modified) barrel racing, calf roping, cornhole, and more! Enjoy chili, cornbread, and dawgs with all the trimmings!