UNTHSC cares about our students? success, not only academically, but emotionally and physically. Because of our commitment, we provide services across campus that respond to our students? unique needs. Through the creation of a collaborative interdisciplinary team, the CARE Team is able to provide a confidential program of identification, intervention, and response in order to provide students with the greatest chance for success and the university community with the greatest level of protection.
?Create solutions for a healthier community by protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and members of the UNTHSC community.
?Foster student success.
?Provide a comprehensive response to students whose behavior is disruptive to themselves or the educational environment, or may be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline.
How to Refer a Student to the CARE Team
Referrals can be made through the Student of Concern Reporting Form found at You can select the nature of the report and identify and provide context for the concern being reported.
CARE Team Contact Information
Phone: 817-735-2740
In an emergency, please call:
On-campus emergency: UNTHSC Police (817-735-2600)
Off-campus emergency: 911