The Environmental Health and Safety Office provide evacuation and severe weather refuge plans for each building on campus available on the UNTHSC Insite website. Once logged in, click on the link for the building of interest for a copy of the plan.
Individuals needing assistance during a building evacuation
Individuals who may need assistance to evacuate a UNTHSC building are encouraged to prepare a Personal Evacuation Plan. This Plan can address your specific challenges. At a minimum the Plan should include your cell phone number (if applicable) and your plan for exiting the building or getting to an area of refuge. The Plan can be shared with occupants in your vicinity and others if you would like including the UNTHSC Police Department. The office of Environmental Health and Safety is available to assist you in preparing this Plan. UNTHSC Safety Squad Volunteers can help individuals needing assistance by directing them to areas of refuge (e.g. protected stairwells), and notifying emergency response personnel of the person’s location. Transporting individuals with disabilities up and down stairs must be avoided. EHS and UNTHSC Safety Squad Volunteers will collect any pertinent information including individuals that may be in specific areas of refuge. All people, regardless of their circumstances, need to take some responsibility for their safety in an emergency, which means being able to move away from any and all hazards.