Course Title: Healthy Sleep in the 21st Century
Session Title: ?Bedtime Struggles and Curtain Calls: How Do I Get My Kiddo to Sleep??
Description: This session is for parents who have kids that refuse to go to bed on time or who have trouble sleeping if everything isn’t “just right.” The goal of this session is to provide parents with tools to assist in getting their kids to sleep and insuring they are sleeping an adequate duration for their age.
Facilitator: Dr. Brandy M. Roane, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Behavioral Sleep Medicine Specialist, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at UNT Health Science Center
Date: Monday, October 5th
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Location: LIB-110
To Register:
1. Log-in to the EIS Portal (HSC) or EIS Portal (UNT)
2. On the left side menu ? scroll down and select ?Training & Development?
3. Select ?Training Enrollment?
4. Select ?Search by Course Number?
5. Type in the course Number of the class you are interested in (Course # for this talk is AP16H3)
6. Click on ?View Available Sessions?
7. Click on the session number you are interested in
8. Follow the remaining on-screen prompts to complete enrollment