Are you healthy, between ages 25-45? You could help with study and be compensated for your time
Are you healthy, ages 25 to 45, and with no military experience? You are needed as a control for a study on risks of Alzheimer’s disease in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury.
Those eligible to serve as controls in the study also must:
• Have had no head injuries in the past six years
• Identify as African American/Black, Hispanic, or non-Hispanic White
• Have at least a high school diploma or a GED
Healthy controls who complete all study requirements will be compensated for their time.
Dr. Vicki Nejtek, Associate Professor, Pharmacology & Neuroscience, is exploring the risks for Alzheimer’s disease in veterans who have had mild traumatic brain injury vs. healthy controls.
“Recent evidence suggests that returning veterans serving in active theater have been exposed to a substantial number of repeated blast injuries,” Nejtek said. “These cause non-penetrating, mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), also known as concussion.”
Literature has shown that veterans with mTBI have a disproportionate risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
“Yet, there is no methodological ‘gold standard’ available to distinguish mTBI risk for developing Alzheimer’s, or to predict disease progression in Alzheimer’s patients with mTBI,” Neijtek said. “Our research will address these gaps in the scientific literature.“
If you are eligible and would like to serve as a healthy control for this important study, please call 817-735-0133 for an initial screening. Even if you aren’t eligible, please share this with others who may be.
Both men and women are eligible to participate, but the greatest need is for men. Several women are already on a waiting list.
Those enrolled in the study will:
• Be interviewed
• Be assessed to measure brain function, symptoms, mood status and cognition
• Have other basic screens including a blood draw of about 4 teaspoons
Only one visit of less than two hours is required. Study participants will learn the results of all assessments.
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