The winners in last Friday’s HSC Campaign prize drawing are:
– Stephen Barrett, Operations VP
– Pam McFadden, Professional and Continuing Education Associate VP
They each won a restaurant gift card.
You can be a winner too! If you haven’t turned in your form or pledged online, do it now. You’ll maximize your chance of winning a prize. There’s a drawing every Friday, and your name stays in the pot till the campaign ends on Oct. 14.
When you contribute, you can select the Health Science Center need that matters most to you. This year’s HSC Fund featured projects are:
– Rand Horsman Scholarship, which provides scholarship opportunities to HSC team members and their dependents
– A project to make Alumni Plaza more functional and attractive.
See more about these projects at
Mark your calendar for the Oct. 27 donor appreciation breakfast.
Questions? Contact your team champion or Carol Noel at or 817-735-2254.