2025 REAP Grant Opportunities

FY 25 grant opportunities have been updated on the REAP webpage.

Opportunities include:

REAP New Investigator Program – Proposal Submission Dates: 10/15/2024 and 4/15/2025

Application Link

The New Investigator Pilot Grants Program awards are intended to assist investigators as they launch their independent research careers. The awards may be used for the collection of preliminary data, equipment, or research assistance necessary to strengthen an extramural grant application. Applications for both clinical and basic science research are encouraged. Faculty who receive support through this program are expected to collect preliminary data to submit a research proposal for extramural funding. Applications (see below) will be scored using an NIH 1-9 scale.


REAP Bridge Funding Program – Rolling Submissions: 9/1/24 – 8/31/25 Applications due the 15th of the month.
Application Link

The HSC Bridge Funding Program (BFP) provides up to 12 months of support for full-time faculty members to maintain their research activities during a lapse in funding and resubmit more competitive grant applications for successful funding. Typically, applicants have been unsuccessful in a recent attempt to renew or replace a major federal grant (e.g., R21, R01) but are likely to be funded upon resubmission of a revised application, based on the overall impact score, and summary statement/critiques of the previously unsuccessful application.


For a full list of grant opportunities please visit the REAP webpage Research Enhancement Assistance Program (REAP) – Research and Innovation (unthsc.edu)