The HSC Faculty Achievement Awards Committee is now welcoming receipt of nomination packets for the 2019-2020 HSC Faculty Achievement Award!
Deadline: Nominations will be accepted through Friday, January 31, 2020
The immediate past president of the Faculty Senate, (Patrick Clay, PharmD) chairs the committee and serves as a non-voting member (except in the event of a tie). Ms. Nat Paterson serves as administrative support and is the person to whom the completed nomination packet should be sent. Please direct all questions to them. The actual committee members are kept confidential until all awards are presented.
Award Criteria
The candidate must have demonstrated exemplary performance in (at least) three of the following five categories with quality in a maximum of two categories. The primary focus of the review will be over the past three years.
- Teaching – to include classroom, clinical, online, mentoring students in research and/or internships, teaching patients, residents, graduate students and peers
- Research/scholarship – to include grants, publications, awards, etc.
- Service – to include professional, university, and community service
- Clinical service – to include patient care
- Leadership – to include leadership/elected positions in professional organizations, editorships of peer-reviewed journals, chairing committees, task forces and lab teams, etc.
Nominee Eligibility Criteria:
- Nominee’s primary appointment must be:
- 50% or more at the UNTHSC (from any school/college program or combination thereof). Primary appointment is determined by school/college by which the nominee
- Have been appointed by January 30, 2017 (3 years prior to nomination packet due date for 2020)
- Cannot currently be a faculty member with an administrative appointment (chair, institute director, dean, for example)
- Cannot be a current member of the HSC Faculty Awards Committee members
- Cannot have been a past awardee (school or overall) in the previous 3 years (see list below)
- Cannot be a self-nomination
Previous finalists and overall winners:
Thaddeus Miller – Overall Winner— Health Behavior & Health Systems/SPH
Caitlin Gibson — Pharmacotherapy/SCP
Yasser Salem— Physical Therapy/SHP
Caroline Rickards — Physiology and Anatomy/GSBS
Kendi Hensel – Family Medicine/TCOM
Patrick Clay – Overall winner — Pharmacotherapy/SCP
James Hall — Pharmacology & Neuroscience/SCP
Metin Yavuz — Physical Therapy/SHP
Subhash Aryal — Biostatistics & Epidemiology/SPH
Amy Raines-Milenkov – Pediatrics/TCOM
John Planz – Overall winner — Molecular Medicine/GSBS
Howe Liu — Physical Therapy/SHP
Rita Patterson — Family Medicine/TCOM
Katalin Prokai — Pharmaceutical Science/SCP
David Sterling — Biostatistics & Epidemiology/SPH
Nomination process:
- The nomination package, in its entirety as a single, combined PDF document shall be sent to not later than January 31, 2020 at 5 pm CT.
- Packages received after this date will not be considered.
- Packages failing to comply with packet requirements (see complete list below) will be administratively rejected. If the packet is administratively rejected, the nominator will be notified. Revision to packet to comply with requirements will be allowed provided the packet is returned as required prior to January 31, 2020 at 5 pm CT to
- Nominators will receive confirmation of packet receipt.
- Clay will assess for packet compliance with formatting requirements and will instruct Ms. Paterson.
- The packet (a single PDF document with each page of the packet to maintain formatting so as to have at least 1” margins, font not smaller than 12-point, and preferably Times New Roman). The packet must only contain the following two components:
- Letter of Nomination: A detailed letter describing the nominee’s accomplishments.
- The letter should contain a maximum of 1,000 words.
- Letters are to be formatted and contain as follows:
- Both required:
- Introduction of nominee (1-2 sentences)
- Rationale for nomination with an emphasis on distinction within the respective college/school (peer comparison) (1-2 sentences)
- Section entitled “Exemplary Areas”: In this section, there should be 1 paragraph for each of the three (or more) areas where the nominee has demonstrated exemplary performance over the previous three years are required:
- Teaching
- Research/scholarship
- Service
- Clinical Service
- Leadership
- Section entitled “Quality Areas”: In this section, there should be 1 paragraph for each of the two areas where the nominee has demonstrated quality performance over the previous three years are required:
- Teaching
- Research/scholarship
- Service
- Clinical Service
- Leadership
- Both required:
- CV of the nominee
- Nominee and nominator are strongly encouraged to collaborate to ensure that CV is formatted in the same manner as the letter per the requirements of the packet prior to submission.
- If either CV or nomination letter fail to comply with formatting requirements, the packet will be rejected.
- Letter of Nomination: A detailed letter describing the nominee’s accomplishments.
Selection Process:
- The Awards Committee members will select one (1) faculty from each school/college as a finalist.
- Of the five (5) finalists, one (1) faculty will be selected as the overall winner.
The overall HSC Faculty Achievement Award winner will receive a single, pre-tax cash award of $10,000.
The school level HSC Faculty Achievement Award winners, who are not the overall winner, will receive a pre-tax cash award of $2,500.