Congratulations to our December 16th Winners!
Donna Christian
Emily Elkins (student)
Jonathan King (Lab Manager)
Geoffrey Scarpelli
Instructions will be emailed to the winners for picking up their gift card prizes. 12 days of holiday cheer from EBAC?you could win a $25 gift card! You might be the lucky recipient of holiday cheer in the form of a $25 restaurant gift card* from the Employee Benefits and Action Committee (EBAC) through its “12 Holi-days” program! Each weekday between Dec. 1 and 16, four random computer drawings will be conducted of all UNTHSC teammates who receive a UNTHSC paycheck–and four people each day during that time will win a gift card. You don’t need to do anything to enter! Winners will be notified by email, phone or through their supervisor. Who couldn’t use a meal out during the busy holiday season? EBAC is launching the program in lieu of sponsoring an Angel Tree for teammates so EBAC can better fulfill its charter to benefit all UNTHSC employees. Anyone with questions may contact Happy holidays! *Please note: Because the government considers gift cards to be income, the value is taxed. Each winner will see a small deduction in their paycheck