Tackling Childhood Obesity Worldwide
June 10, 2014 • Uncategorized

Dr. Heather Kitzman-Ulrich with CPH Dean Richard Kurz
Heather Kitzman-Ulrich, PhD, Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Community Health at UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC), was a featured speaker at the 1st International Childhood Obesity Forum and Diabetes Conference, held May 26-27 at the University of the State of Mexico, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM), in Toluca. Also representing UNTHSC was Richard S. Kurz, PhD, Dean of the College of Public Health.
The focus of this two-day conference was to address Mexico’s growing concern regarding childhood obesity and the rates of increase in diabetes. More than 20 speakers from around the world were invited to share their research and propose solutions for reversing these trends, both in Mexico and globally.
Dr. Kitzman-Ulrich spoke on “Community-Based Family Interventions to Reduce Obesity in Hispanic Youth in the United States,” showing how her community based programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex are reaching underserved Hispanic families. Additionally, she provided information on community participatory approaches to program implementation and delivery to address health disparities.
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