CPH MHA students receive UTMB fellowships
July 8, 2016 • Uncategorized

Matthew Johnson (CPH MHA ‘16) has been named as a 2016-17 Administrative Fellow at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB).
He previously served as an intern for UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, and for JPS Health Network in Tarrant County.
Johnson said he was drawn to the business side of health care, crediting his interest to having grown up in a “family of caregivers,” where his father is a physician, his mother is a nurse, and his brothers are also involved in health professions.

Last year, CPH student Sarah Jones (MHA ’15) also served as a UTMB Administrative Fellow, where she had opportunity to work with staff on two new hospital openings, as well as several process improvement initiatives, policy and procedures teams, and other special committees.
She has since joined UTMB in a full-time position as Perioperative Services Business Operations Manager.
Her interests include service-line business operations, population health management and quality process improvement.
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