CPH Epidemiology students honored at 2019 APHA conference
January 6, 2020 • Uncategorized

Two CPH epidemiology students were honored for their work at the recent American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting and expo in Philadelphia.
The event’s theme was “Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health.”
The annual conference represents one of the largest annual gatherings of public health professionals in the U.S.
Thousands attend, and thousands of new abstracts are presented each year, making the APHA annual meeting one of the most influential meetings in public health.
Recently, two UNTHSC College of Public Health Epidemiology students, under the mentorship of faculty member Karabi Nandy, PhD, received national recognition for their work.

The Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Program Planning and Awards Committee presented the ATOD Award for Outstanding Student Poster to Epidemiology doctoral student Ashvita Garg for her presentation on “Correlates of Intent to Quit Smoking Among Dual Users of Electronic and Combustible Cigarettes: A Population Based Sample of the United States.” Epidemiology doctoral student Noah Peeri and Biostatistics master’s student Bingchun Wan were also involved in this work.
2019 MPH Epidemiology graduate Mahbuba Khan was selected as winner of the Best Student Abstract award by the Caucus on Homelessness Poster Section Committee for her abstract, “Factors Associated with Medication Adherence Among Persons in Permanent Supportive Housing,” based on the work of UNTHSC’s technology-assisted m.chat health coaching program. CPH faculty members Dr. Rajesh Nandy and Dr. Scott Walters were also involved in this work.
“We are very proud of the APHA honors these students received,” said Dr. Dennis Thombs, CPH Dean. “The awards represent hard work and important studies in public health, and the annual APHA conference is most certainly a significant opportunity for presenting that work.”
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