CPH commits to teaching excellence

June 12, 2017 • Uncategorized

Teaching Excellence 1Seven College of Public Health faculty members and one CPH doctoral student recently completed an eight-month Faculty Seminar Series focused on teaching excellence.

In partnership with the UNTHSC Center for Innovative Learning, CPH Assistant Professor Katherine Fogelberg, DVM, PhD, developed and led the program, which began in September 2016.

The approach was campus-wide, with every UNTHSC school participating.

Over the fall and spring semesters, 12 “lunch and learn” seminars were presented on the building blocks of teaching excellence, educational philosophy and theory, psychology, practice, technological tools and research-proven techniques for engaging postgraduate learners.

“Quality learning begins with quality teaching, and this program was quite successful in its first year,” Dr. Fogelberg said. “Across the university, 19 faculty and one student completed the requirements for their Certificate of Completion, and five earned their Certificates of Teaching Excellence based on added participation in the pre- and post-seminar teaching observations.”

Dr. Fogelberg and the Center for Innovative Learning are now in the process of planning a follow-up series for the fall.

“We hope to see new and returning faces for the upcoming academic year, and we look forward to building on the success of this year’s program,” she said.

From the College of Public Health, Dr. Karen Bell, Dr. Brad Cannell and Dr. Karabi Nandy earned the Certificate of Teaching Excellence.

CPH doctoral student Leilani Dodgen earned the Certificate of Completion, along with faculty members Dr. Doug Livingston, Dr. Neda Moayad, Dr. Candace Robledo and Dr. David Sterling.

Dr. Fogelberg, who serves as Director of Quality Instruction for the CPH, is also Assistant Professor and Director of the MPH in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences program, and the Graduate Certificate program in Food Security and Public Health.