Frequently Asked Questions

We are glad you have questions. Graduate school is a big step and requires careful consideration. You’re always welcome to email or call us for answers, but for your convenience, we’ve curated our responses to the most common questions from our applicants. Should you have any questions that are not answered, please email

Admission Requirements

Are GRE scores required?
The GRE exam is not required for any of our Public Health programs.

Do you accept any additional test graduate level test scores?
Yes. We also accept scores from the following exams:

  • MCAT
  • DAT
  • PCAT
  • LSAT
  • GMAT

What is the minimum GPA requirement?
We do not have a minimum undergraduate grade point average (GPA) requirement, however, admission to our programs is competitive.  To evaluate how you compare to successfully admitted students consider the following scores.

Doctoral applicants must have a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Are there any prerequisites?
We do not require any prerequisite courses.

Is work experience necessary?
For our online MPH 42 credit hour program and our MHA online program work experience is required.

Can I transfer any credits earned while enrolled in another program toward my UNTHSC degree?
Students may potentially transfer up to 12 credit hours. Courses must be at the graduate level at a regionally accredited institution and have received an A or B grade. Courses should be either a direct replacement for a required class (matching title/content) or align with our required competencies in a program with elective credit spaces. Transfer credits are reviewed through the Office of Student and Academic Services at This requires submission of your transcript and course syllabi.

I’m an International Student. Do I have to provide any additional information?
In addition to the standard admission requirements, international students must demonstrate proficiency in the English language.

International students may demonstrate English language proficiency by submitting TOEFL or IELTS scores directly to the SOPHAS or HAMPCAS application. Send scores to SOPHAS using code: #5688; HAMPCAS applicants use code: #B589; SOPHAS Express use code #5688.

Application Information

How do I apply?
Applications for the following programs may be completed by visiting SOPHAS.ORG

  • Master of Public Health
  • Master of Health Administration
  • Master of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Health Administration applicants may also apply via HAMPCASApplicants to our Graduate Certificate Programs, non-degree seeking students, and Dual Degree Students may apply via SOPHAS EXPRESS

    Prospective Students of the MS in Applied Anthropology/Master of Public Health dual degree program must apply to both the UNT Health Science Center via SOPHAS and the University of North Texas Toulouse Graduate School.

    Can I apply to more than one concentration?
    Applicants must apply to one concentration. The concentration should be referenced in the applicant’s application and should align with applicants career goals.

    Additional questioning in the application allows applicants to select a secondary concentration should they be denied admission into their first choice. Also, should a seat in your original program not be available, using these options will allow the committee to consider you for an alternative program.

    Can I transfer graduate courses from other institutions and apply them toward my program?
    MPH or MHA: We will accept up to 12 semester credit hours of graduate course work taken elsewhere with approval from appropriate faculty members for courses deemed relevant. This most often means matching courses with those listed on the MPH/MHA degree plans. Only courses with a grade of B or better will be considered.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): A student may apply previously taken graduate level courses toward the completion of the PhD coursework (Advanced Standing). Only courses with a grade of B or better will be considered and are subject to approval.
    No transfer credit is assigned for certificate programs.

    Do I need to send official transcripts to UNTHSC-College of Public Health?
    If you have submitted your official transcripts to either SOPHAS or HAMPCAS you will not need to send additional transcripts to our office. However, if you are offered admission and plan to enroll and did not submit your final transcript showing your awarded degree or coursework completed, you will need to request an official final transcript to be sent to our office.

    Certificate, Non-Degree Seeking (non-UNT) students, and Dual Degree students who apply through SOPHAS Express will be asked to submit official transcripts directly to Transcripts can be mailed to:

    UNT Health Science Center
    Attn: Office of Admissions
    3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.
    Fort Worth, TX 76107

Is Admissions Competitive?

HSC Public Health programs have a limited number of seats each year. The Admissions Committee takes a broad range of factors into consideration as we select candidates, including:

  • Academic background
  • Understanding of the role of public health workers & specific concentrations
  • Enthusiastic letters of reference
  • Community service experience
  • Evidence of service and leadership, including honors, achievements, and awards
  • Other life experiences and extracurricular activities
  • A mature, insightful essay

Although an applicant’s entire academic record is considered, strong academic performance alone does not ensure acceptance.

While prior experience in community service, leadership experience, public health, or a medical-related field is not required, this experience is considered a beneficial attribute and viewed positively by the Admissions Committee.

Letters of reference from an academic source are strongly encouraged and professional references from work supervisors are certainly appropriate, especially for those who have been out of academia for some time.

  • Evidence of personal integrity, maturity, motivation, communication skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, quantitative skills, writing ability, dedication, and the ability to work with others are additional factors that will be considered.

The above qualities are evaluated by several means, including letters of reference, the scope and nature of extracurricular activities (including work and volunteer experience), the scope and breadth of prior education, and your statement of purpose.

  • Students applying for research programs (MS and Ph.D.) should reflect any prior research experience in their materials, and indicate their future research goals in their statement or purpose and a letter from the research supervising faculty is very beneficial.
  • Ph.D. & MS candidates matching with current faculty on research areas and mentorship opportunities is vitally important to securing seats in those competitive programs. Applicants should indicate the research area and identify faculty mentors in their statement of purpose.

Program Format

What does a cohort mean?
In a cohort format, students complete the program in a pre-determined sequence and pace. This is shown to improve student success and completion rates, offer strong networking opportunities between students and develop quality relationships with program faculty.

How long does it take to complete the various CPH programs?
Time to completion will vary depending on the course load students take. Students have a time limitation of 6 years for the master degrees and 7 years for the doctoral degrees to complete.

  • MPH, MHA & MS Cohort (on-campus programs) are completed in 2 years. Fall start – following Spring graduation.
  • The MPH Online program in Public Health Leadership is a 100% online program. With fall and spring start dates, applicants may qualify for either the 48 or 42 semester credit hour option. We offer both part-time and full-time online options. Part-time students will typically take two courses in the fall and spring and one course in the summer. Full-time students may choose to take additional courses based on their needs. Our online programs can be completed in 5 semesters or up to 6 years. Most students complete the program in 5 semesters-3 years.
  • The MHA Online program is a 100% online program. With Fall and Spring starts, this program is designed for working professionals. Applicants for the online MHA program must have at least two years of health-related work experience in either a clinical or a management position and currently employed full-time in healthcare.  We offer both part-time and full-time online options. Part-time students will typically take two courses in the fall and spring and one course in the summer. Full-time students may choose to take additional courses based on their needs. Our online programs can be completed in 5 semesters or up to 6 years. Most students complete the program in 5 semesters-3 years.
  • Graduate Certificate completion varies. Most students complete the certificate in one year.
  • PhD students time to complete varies depending on prior degree/coursework completed and their pace of continued successful advancement.

School Profile/CPH Experience

Where are you Located?
The UNT Health Science Center is located in cultural district of Fort Worth, Tx at 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd. The Office of Admissions is housed on-campus in the Student Services Center.

How many students are currently enrolled at UNTHSC/College of Public Health?
UNTHSC has a student population of approximately 2,338 students. This encompasses students enrolled in the College of Public Health, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Biomedical Sciences, College of Health Professions, College of Pharmacy and College of Nursing

Do you offer on-campus housing?
We do not offer campus housing but we are located near many residential and apartment complexes. Many resources are available as you begin your housing search.  UNTHSC provides a housing portal for apartment postings as well as connecting with potential roommates. Additional resources will be provided by the Admissions office upon confirmation of your plans to attend.

How large are SPH classes?
The College of Public Health maintains small comfortable class sizes. Core classes range from 20-30 students while concentration classes have approximately 10-20 students.

Do you offer online degree programs?
We offer the MPH Online and MHA Online. Graduate certificate programs can also be completed online.

Scholarship/Financial Aid

What type of funding is available for MPH, MHA & MS students?
The Dean offers competitive scholarships to new incoming students each fall semester. These awards are given out based on prior academic performance. To be considered for the scholarships applicants must have submitted and completed their fall application through SOPHAS or HAMPCAS by the March 15th priority application deadline to be considered. That means all application materials must be received by the application service well enough in advance for the service to complete the verification process and release the verified application to the university.

We encourage you to visit our Office of Financial Aid for other funding opportunities. Learn more about financing your degree through the Associations of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH).

What type of funding is available for doctoral (PhD) students?
The College of Public Health offers competitive multi-year funding packages to doctoral students. Selected candidates receive tuition and fees coverage, a living stipend, and health insurance. Highly qualified students selected for the Master of Science in Public Health programs are offered generous support form the university in the form of full tuition and fees scholarship.

See the following link for more details on those packages: PhD Student Funding Packages

What opportunities do students have to serve as Graduate Assistants, Research Assistants & Teaching Assistants?
UNTHSC is a graduate only campus and has limited GA, RA & TA positions.
PhD students serve as RA throughout their program and may TA from time to time. This work is part of their full-time commitment to the campus and supports their funding award.
MPH, MHA & MS students may apply for positions following admission. Work hours are capped at 19 hours a week. Available positions do not carry tuition/fee waivers.

Online Programs

Practicum experience is arranged by students and advised by graduate faculty. Students local to the Fort Worth and DFW area may take advantage of HSC relationships in the local community. Students in other locations will be coached on how to connect with potential practicum sites, to develop their project goals and to gain the most from their practicum experience. Practicum experiences last 1 year and include 600 hours from conception to completion.

Part-time students who are balancing program enrollment with a full-time job and/or family commitments are recommended to take 2 course each 16 week semester. In this schedule you can complete the degree in 3 years.

Full-time students who have no significant commitment beyond the program may complete 4 classes each 16 week semester. In a full-time schedule you may finish the program in 5 semesters.

International Applicants

Non-US Coursework?
Applicants who have degree coursework from institutions outside the U.S. must submit a credential evaluation directly from World Education Services (WES) to SOPHAS or HAMPCAS for processing. We require the WES International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) package. WES will need your SOPHAS or HAMPCAS ID in order to properly route your ICAP.  If you ordered your WES ICAP before you had a SOPHAS or HAMPCAS ID, click here to learn how to proceed (select “SOPHAS” or “HAMPCAS” from the drop-down and scroll down to “Additional Information”).

Language Requirements?
International applicants must demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in oral and written English before being considered for admission. Acceptable evidence of English proficiency includes:

  • TOEFL language exam taken in the last 2 years. Send scores to SOPHAS using code: #5688; HAMPCAS applicants use code: #B589; SOPHAS Express use code #5688. The minimum required score for TOEFL is 85.
  • IELTS language exam taken in the last 2 years if applying in SOPHAS. Details available in SOPHAS Help Center. This test option is not available for HAMPCAS or SOPHAS Express applicants. The minimum required score for IELTS is 6.5.
  • Completing or expected to complete a US-accredited Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree before matriculation at UNTHSC.

Timing Recommendation?
International applicants should submit their application 6 weeks prior to the posted priority deadline. This will allow for sufficient time for WES or to process the transcript evaluation report and adequate time for visa processing.

OPT Allotment?
Most School of Public Health programs qualify for the regular 12 month OPT.

STEM extension to 24 months is associated with the following programs:
MPH Epidemiology
MPH Biostatistics and Data Science
MS Epidemiology

Admitted Students

Can I defer my admissions to a later semester?
Candidates offered admission to UNTHSC programs decision letter will include details regarding the option to defer your entry specific to your program.
MPH, MHA & MS students may defer 1 year to the following Fall start term.
MPH Online students may defer up to 1 year starting any of the 4 online terms following their original admission.
PhD students must discuss defer requests with program directors.

Once I have been accepted can I request to change programs?
Students may request a change of concentration through the Office of Student & Academic Services by emailing Students who wish to change degree programs must reapply through UNTHSC Admissions.

What if I still have questions?

You may e-mail us at or call us at 817-735-2003 for more information.