Dr. Rajesh Nandy
Associate Professor, Department of Population & Community Health

Education & Experience:
I received my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Washington, specializing in the theory of stochastic processes. I completed the MStat degree in Statistics from Indian Statistical Institute and pursued PhD-level study in Physics. After completion of my PhD, I was appointed as a Senior Fellow for the Department of Radiology at the University of Washington to perform research on data analysis methods in neuroimaging data. Prior to joining the UNTHSC College of Public Health in 2013, I served on the faculty at UCLA as an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Psychology.
Teaching Areas & Public Health Interests:
I consider teaching as an important aspect of my career, which perfectly complements my research career. I am a motivated teacher who is willing to take challenging courses as well as challenge the students. I enjoy developing new courses and evolving existing courses. In fact, I had an early head start as a teacher when I was given the opportunity to teach independent courses in Calculus as a doctoral student at the University of Washington. Since then, I have taught several graduate and undergraduate courses in Statistics and Biostatistics, Introductory Statistics, Design of Experiments, Survival Analysis, Bayesian Statistics, Statistical Methods in fMRI and Multivariate Statistics. I am a strong advocate for the implementation of modern technology in instruction at introductory-level large undergraduate courses. I have implemented the iClicker classroom response system to create a dynamic learning environment in class to great success.
Professional Activities & Awards:
I am an active member of several professional academic organizations, including the American Statistical Association, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Organization for Human Brain Mapping. I had the rare honor of being awarded the P. C. Mahalanobis Gold Medal – named after P.C. Mahalanobis, founder of the Indian Statistical Institute – in recognition for being the most outstanding student in my cohort of MStat students at the Institute. I have also received several travel awards from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Scholarly Interests:
My primary research goal is to develop novel, intuitive and practical statistical methods that can contribute to solving real life problems. In fact, the motivation for most of my statistical methodological research comes from real data where conventional statistical approaches are either inadequate or fail completely. To accomplish my research objectives, I actively seek opportunities to collaborate with statisticians and investigators in diverse research fields.
I have applied my methods to a broad range of applications including clinical trials, neuroimaging, dose response, psychiatry and signal processing using a wide array of statistical methods like Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) methods, Multiple Comparison, Resampling Methods, Machine Learning, Bayesian variable selection, Optimal Designs and Spatial Statistics.
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