SCP Course Prerequisites
Course Prerequisites & Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS)
General Biology TCCNS – Biol 1406 & Biol 1407
8 credits
(At least 6 credits of course work and 2 credits of laboratory course work). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Microbiology TCCN – Biol 2421
4 credits
(At least 3 credits of course work and 1 credit of laboratory course work). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Human Anatomy & Physiology TCCN – Biol 2401
4 credits
(At least 3 credits of course work). If human anatomy is not available, then a comparative anatomy and physiology course may be substituted. Must be a course that applies toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Genetics TCCN – Biol 2316
3 credits
(At least 3 credits of course work). Must be a course that applies toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
General or Inorganic Chemistry TCCNS – Chem 1411 & Chem 1412
8 credits
(At least 6 credits of course work and 2 credits of laboratory course work). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Inorganic courses include: General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Quantitative Analysis. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Organic Chemistry TCCNS – Chem 2423 & Chem 2425
8 credits
(At least 6 credits of course work and 2 credits of laboratory course work). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Organic Chemistry courses must have “Organic” in the course title. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Physics TCCN – Phys 1401
4 credits
(At least 3 credits of course work and 1 credit of laboratory course work). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable towards the prerequisite requirements.
Calculus I TCCN – Math 2413
3 credits
Three credits of math-based Calculus are required. Pre-calculus may not be substituted for this requirement.
Statistics TCCN – Math 1342
3 credits
One three credit course in statistics that is taught in a math or science department is required.34
English TCCNS – Engl 1301 & Engl 1302
6 credits
Two three credit courses that fulfill the general English requirement of a baccalaureate degree. Remedial or “English as a second language” courses are not acceptable.
English Literature TCCNS – Engl 2322 through 2333
3 credits
One three credit course that fulfills the literature requirement of a baccalaureate degree.
U.S. History TCCNS – Hist 1301 & Hist 1302
6 credits
Two three credit courses that fulfill the history requirement of a baccalaureate degree.
U.S.or Texas Government TCCNS – Psci 2301
3 credits
One three credit course in U.S. government or Texas Government.A student wishing to fulfill requirements for a baccalaureate degree in a state supported Texas university must also have a three credit course in Texas government.
Fine Arts & Humanities
3 credits
One three credit course that may be counted as an elective requirement in fine arts and humanities for a baccalaureate degree.
Social & Behavioral Sciences
3 credits
One three credit course that may be counted as an elective requirement in social and behavioral sciences for a baccalaureate degree.
Speech/Public Speaking/Communications
0 credits
Although not required, it is highly recommended that applicants take one three credit course in which public speaking is a major component of the course. A communications course that does not require public speaking is also desirable.
Required Credits
69 credits
Social media