Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 1: 
Upon program completion students can effectively describe the research and development (R & D) aspects of the drug discovery and development (DDD) process.

Method of Assessment
Direct course-embedded assessments tied to course-specific learning outcomes, including quizzes, exams and/or assignments

Criteria of Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively describe the R & D aspects of the DDD process, as measured by passing all related courses.

Assessment Outcomes
AY 2021-22: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO1 in this cycle.
AY: 2022-23: Inconclusive. Assessment not performed due to no matriculation of new students in this cycle.
AY: 2023-24: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO1 in this cycle.

Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 2:
Upon program completion students can effectively summarize the clinical, medical, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of the DDD process.

Method of Assessment
Direct course-embedded assessments tied to course-specific learning outcomes, including quizzes, exams and/or assignments

Criteria of Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively and concisely summarize the clinical, medical, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of the DDD process, as measured by passing all related courses.

Assessment Outcomes
AY 2021-22: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO2 in this cycle.
AY: 2022-23: Inconclusive. Assessment not performed due to no matriculation of new students in this cycle.
AY: 2023-24: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO2 in this cycle.

Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 3:
Upon program completion students can effectively conduct and present a comprehensive review of an FDA-approved new drug.

Method of Assessment
Course-embedded assessments tied to course-specific learning outcomes, including writing a drug review and presenting the findings

Criteria of Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively conduct and present a comprehensive review of an FDA-approved new drug.

Assessment Outcomes
AY 2021-22: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO3 in this cycle.
AY: 2022-23: Inconclusive. Assessment not performed due to no matriculation of new students in this cycle.
AY: 2023-24: Achieved. 100% of students achieved the SLO3 in. this cycle.

Program Performance Outcome (PPO) 1:
Student satisfaction with program curriculum and resources

Method of Assessment
Indirect assessment through program completion survey

Criteria of Achievement
Achieve a minimum response rate of 80% among newly graduated students, and 80% of survey respondents will choose “Meets Expectations” or “Exceeds Expectations”.

Assessment Outcomes
AY 2021-22: Inconclusive. A survey would be conducted 6 months post program completion (March 2023), but the number of student graduated in this cycle was 1, less than the threshold of 6 minimally for a meaningful survey.
AY: 2022-23: Inconclusive. No assessment was performed because no student graduated from the program in this cycle.
AY: 2023-24: Inconclusive. A survey would be conducted 6 months post program completion (March 2025), but the number of student graduated in this cycle is 1, less than the threshold of 6 minimally for a meaningful survey.

Program Performance Outcome (PPO) 2:
For students who completed the program, report being hired, promoted, or continuing education in the field of DDD.

Method of Assessment
Indirect assessment via a 2-year post-program survey

Criteria of Achievement
Achieve a minimum response rate of 50% among students who completed the program, and 50% of survey respondents will report being hired, promoted or continuing education in the field of DDD.

Assessment Outcomes
AY 2021-22: Inconclusive. A survey would be conducted 2 years post program completion (September 2024), but the number of student graduated in this cycle was 1, less than the threshold of 6 minimally for a meaningful survey.
AY: 2022-23: Inconclusive. No assessment will be performed because no student graduated from the program in this cycle.
AY: 2023-24: Inconclusive. A survey would be conducted 2 years post program completion (September 2026), but the number of student graduated in this cycle was 1, less than the threshold of 6 minimally for a meaningful survey.