College of Pharmacy Estimated Costs

2021 – 2022


wdt_ID UNTHSC estimated cost Estimated Exp Yr 1 (40 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 2 (45 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 3 (37 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 4 (40 SCH)
1 Resident Resident Resident Resident
2 Total Tution Cost 14,480.00 16,290.00 13,394.00 10,860.00
3 Total Fees 4,398.61 4,416.01 4,756.47 5,270.50
4 Total of Tuition, Fees & Expenses 18,878.61 20,706.01 18,150.47 16,130.50
5 Technology Fee 2,000.00 - - -
6 White Coat Ceremony Fee 100 - - -
7 Matriculation Fee 100 - - -
8 ID Card Fee 25 - - -
9 Graduation Fee 250
10 Estimated Total for Other Expenses 2,225.00 - - 250
11 Total Tution, Fees, Other outside expenses 21,103.61 20,706.01 18,150.47 16,380.50
12 Insurance Process Fee* 18 18 18 18
13 Student Health Insurance* 3,081.00 3,081.00 3,081.00 3,081.00
14 *The total does not include health insurance, all course fee options, special instruction fees, parking or installment fees.  As a student, you may also incur additional charges not listed here.  For more information regarding fees, please review the fee
15 *Health insurance is required.  The fees are listed separately. You must submit proof of insurance in accordance with Student Health procedures to avoid health insurance fees being added to your student account bill.
16 Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Texas Legislature or the Board of Regents, University of North Texas System.


wdt_ID UNTHSC estimated cost Estimated Exp Yr 1 (40 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 2 (45 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 3 (37 SCH) Estimated Exp Yr 4 (40 SCH)
1 Non-Resident Non-Resident Non-Resident Non-Resident
2 Total Tution Cost 30,800.00 34,650.00 28,490.00 23,100.00
3 Total Fees 4,398.61 4,416.01 4,756.47 5,270.50
4 Total of Tuition, Fees & Expenses 35,198.61 39,066.01 33,246.47 28,370.50
5 Technology Fee 2,000.00 - - -
6 White Coat Ceremony Fee 100 - - -
7 Matriculation Fee 100 - - -
8 ID Card Fee 25 - - -
9 Graduation Fee 250
10 Estimated Total for Other Expenses 2,225.00 - - 250
11 Total Tution, Fees, Other outside expenses 37,423.61 39,066.01 33,246.47 28,620.50
12 Insurance Process Fee* 18 18 18 18
13 Student Health Insurance* 3,081.00 3,081.00 3,081.00 3,081.00
14 *The total does not include health insurance, all course fee options, special instruction fees, parking or installment fees.  As a student, you may also incur additional charges not listed here.  For more information regarding fees, please review the fee
15 *Health insurance is required.  The fees are listed separately. You must submit proof of insurance in accordance with Student Health procedures to avoid health insurance fees being added to your student account bill.
16 Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Texas Legislature or the Board of Regents, University of North Texas System.

*The total does not include health insurance, all course fee options, special instruction fees, parking or installment fees. As a student, you may also
incur additional charges not listed here. For more information regarding fees, please review the fee descriptions on the home page of this tuition
and fee webpage.

*Health insurance is required. The fees are listed separately. You must submit proof of insurance in accordance with Student Health procedures to
avoid health insurance fees being added to your student account bill.

Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Texas Legislature or the Board of Regents, University of North Texas System.