Assessment Plan

The College of Pharmacy assesses the success of its DDD program by measuring student performance, which is the percent of students who pass the courses, and program performance, which is calculated using post-program surveys about students’ satisfaction with the program and their career pathways after graduation.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Certificate Program in Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) is to “Create solutions for a healthier community” and to “Transform lives in order to improve the lives of others” by preparing students

Mission statement fulfills requirements of degree/certificate program accrediting organization: 

Assessment Leader(s):
Eric Cheng

Program Description:
The Certificate Program in Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) is designed for new college graduates, Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students, and other full-time or part-time students including working professionals seeking to gain a systematic understanding of how drugs and medicines are discovered and developed, and to increase student’s understanding of clinical, medical, ethical and regulatory affairs of the DDD process. This certificate program will enhance the career options or promote the career advancement of students who complete this program. This program was approved in 2020 by the Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System. This certificate program can be completed within one to two years, depending on individual student’s schedule and engagement level.

Program Goal:
This certificate program will enhance student’s career opportunities and promote their career advancement.


Assessment Responsibilities:
This program is currently overseen by a Program Director (Dr. Eric Y. Cheng, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the HSC College of Pharmacy), who coordinates all aspects of the program including development of an assessment plan and execution of assessments.

Assessment Process:

Program Outcomes

Assessment Method(s)

Student Learning Outcome 1:
Upon program completion students can effectively describe the research and development (R & D) aspects of the drug discovery and development (DDD) process.
Exams, quizzes, assignments

Is the Measure Direct / Indirect?

Description of Assessment
Course-embedded assessments tied to course-specific learning outcomes, including quizzes, exams and/or assignments, in PHAR 7320/5310, PHAR 7222/5311, and PHAR 7310/5315 (and PHAR 7112/5112 if applicable)

Criteria for Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively describe the R & D aspects of the DDD process, as measured by passing all related courses.

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individual
Course Directors

Assessment Method(s)

Student Learning Outcome 2:
Upon program completion students can effectively summarize the clinical, medical, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of the DDD process.
Exams, quizzes, assignments

Is the Measure Direct / Indirect?

Description of Assessment
Course-embedded assessments ties to course-specific learning outcomes, including quizzes, exams and/or assignments, in PHAR 7222/5310, PHAR 7382/5314, and PHAR 7310/5315.

Criteria for Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively and concisely summarize the clinical, medical, legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of the DDD process, as measured by passing all related courses.

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individual
Course Directors

Assessment Method(s)

Student Learning Outcome 3:
Upon program completion students can effectively conduct and present a comprehensive review of an FDA-approved new drug.
Exams, quizzes, assignments

Is the Measure Direct / Indirect?

Description of Assessment
Course-embedded assessments tied to course-specific learning outcomes, including writing a drug review and presenting the findings, in PHAR 7310/5315

Criteria for Achievement
On average, 90% of students can effectively conduct and present a comprehensive review of an FDA-approved new drug, as measured by passing PHAR 7310/5315.

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individual
Course Director

Assessment Method(s)

Program Performance Outcome 1:
Student satisfaction with program curriculum and resources

Is the Measure Direct / Indirect?

Description of Assessment
Program completion survey

Criteria for Achievement
Achieve a minimum response rate of 80% among newly graduated students, and 80% of survey respondents will choose “Meets Expectations” or “Exceeds Expectations”.

Time Table
Six months post program completion

Responsible Individual
HSC Division of Student Affairs; Program Director

Assessment Method(s)

Program Performance Outcome 2:
For students who completed the program, report being hired, promoted, or continuing education in the field of DDD.

Is the Measure Direct / Indirect?

Description of Assessment
Post-program survey

Criteria for Achievement
Achieve a minimum response rate of 50% among students who completed the program, and 50% of survey respondents will report being hired, promoted or continuing education in the field of DDD.

Time Table
Two years post program completion

Responsible Individual
Program Director