AHOR Certificate Assessment Plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the program is to train healthcare professionals and researchers in applied health outcomes research

Mission Statement fulfills requirements of certificate accrediting organization:


Assessment Leader:

Rafia Rasu

Program Description:

Applied Health Outcomes Research (AHOR) graduate certificate program consists of thirteen courses (30 credits) fully online with a duration of 1 year. This program is designed for new college graduates, Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students, and other full-time or part-time students including working professionals seeking to enhance decision-making to improve patient and societal outcomes.

The Certificate in Applied Health Outcomes Research may be completed 100% online in one year. The program provides an opportunity to learn:

Fundamental elements of outcomes research with real-world data and evidence.  Basic knowledge and understanding of evidence-based decision making, including: (1) Assessment of clinical and patient-reported outcomes and patient satisfaction (2) The impact of non-clinical patient-level factors on patient health (3) The role of economic evaluation methods in assessing the cost effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. (4) The intended and unintended consequences of health policy decisions.  This online graduate certificate was approved in 2020 by the Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System. This online certificate program can be completed within one to two years, depending on individual student’s schedule and engagement level.

Program Goal:

The goal of the graduate certificate is to train healthcare professionals from pharmacy, medicine and other backgrounds in the application of health outcomes research to enhance decision-making to improve patient and societal outcomes.



Assessment Responsibilities:

The program is overseen by an Academic Program Director (Dr. Rafia Rasu, Professor of Pharmacotherapy in the HSC College of Pharmacy) who coordinates all aspects of the program including development of an assessment plan and execution of assessments.

Program Outcomes

Assessment Method(s)

Student Learning Outcome 1
Upon program completion, the students will be able to critically evaluate health outcomes research studies.

Is the outcome direct or indirect?

Description of Assessment
Assignments including discussion board, case-studies, and analyses in the following courses – PHAR7345 (Evidence-based Healthcare), PHAR7335 (Economic Evaluation and policy) Health and PHAR 7236 (Patient-reported outcomes).

Criteria for Achievement
95% of students will achieve passing grade on assignments including discussion boards and case-study analysis in PHAR 7345 (Evidence-Based Healthcare), PHAR 7335 (Economic Evaluation and Policy), PHAR 7236 (Patient-Reported Outcomes courses).

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individuals
Dr. Rafia Rasu

Student Learning Outcome 2
Upon program completion, the students will be able to integrate knowledge accumulated from all AHOR courses to make informed decisions.

Is the outcome direct or indirect?

Description of Assessment
Based on performance (passing grade) in PHAR 7235 (AHOR Capstone)

Criteria for Achievement
Achieve passing grade on Capstone written report and will demonstrate their presentation skills with scholarly presentations to diverse audience.

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individuals
Dr. Rafia Rasu

Program Performance Outcome 1
Students will successfully complete the AHOR Certificate program

Is the outcome direct or indirect?

Description of Assessment
Program completion rate

Criteria for Achievement
90% of students entering the program will successfully complete in one year

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individuals
Dr. Rafia Rasu

Program Performance Outcome 2
Graduates will express satisfaction with the program

Is the outcome direct or indirect?

Description of Assessment
Graduation survey satisfaction scores

Criteria for Achievement
Median of 3.5 on a 5.0 scale across all survey questions

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individuals
Dr. Rafia Rasu

Program Performance Outcome 3
Graduates use AHOR skills in their practice

Is the outcome direct or indirect?

Description of Assessment
Post program survey results; survey administered within 1 year of graduation

Criteria for Achievement
75% of graduates who are in the workforce using AHOR skills to make informed healthcare decisions

Time Table
End of each course

Responsible Individuals
Dr. Rafia Rasu