Welcome Message from Dean Taylor
Welcome Message from Dean Taylor
Welcome to our inaugural newsletter from the System College of Pharmacy. As your Dean, I want to keep you abreast of all the great things happening in the SCP and I want to encourage ongoing communications between our students, faculty and staff. I hope you will enjoy reading about our college and the many ways we are advancing education, research, health, and service within our local communities and throughout the State of Texas.
In the News
On a recent drive into campus, I was reminded of the importance of immunizations as NPR shared an update on the severe influenza outbreak. Texas is one of the epicenters for this devastating virus with one of every ten deaths resulting from flu-like illness and its complications. That’s about 4,000 Americans dying per week and it is likely to continue as the diagnosis of flu-like illnesses continue to climb.
Immunizations are a critical part of overall health and wellness. Following the 2009 flu pandemic, states across America modified their laws to ensure more accessible access to immunizations from the neighborhood pharmacist. Today, our SCP student pharmacists are educated to be front-line providers of immunizations. In fact, our student pharmacists and faculty immunized more than 1,200 UNTHSC employees and students this past Fall. NPR indicated that lost productivity associated with the flu is projected to impact the Metroplex to the tune of $270 million. I am proud to see our students and faculty leading by our values to serve our community’s health needs.
What can we learn from a challenge such as this? Some states (e.g Nebraska, Florida), pharmacists are empowered by state law to perform point of care, rapid influenza diagnostic testing for individuals presenting with flu-like illness. They are then permitted to promptly provide access to treatment with antiviral medication such as Tamiflu. The care plan is provided back with the primary care team for monitoring and follow-up. This is an opportunity for us to follow our motto of “making healthcare better.” Texas has an opportunity to follow the lead of other states and modify our laws so our pharmacists can help our neighbors and communities live healthier, better lives.
Faculty Updates
Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Killam-Worrall for being awarded the January Valubility of the Month award. She was recognized for her outstanding commitment to our “Service” value and we are very fortunate to have her on the SCP Team. Way to go Dr. Killam-Worral!
Making a Difference
The SCP Class of 2019 worked together to raise $5,400 for the Greater Houston Community Foundation to assist with the rebuilding efforts following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. These types of initiatives further demonstrate the kindness and compassion of our students and the impact that can be made by coming together for the greater good of the community.
Alumni News
We are pleased to share that our first graduates, the System College of Pharmacy’s Class of 2017 achieved an 88% pass rate on their licensing exam. Congratulations as this is a wonderful accomplishment for the first class and sets the bar for those coming after them!
A Heartfelt Thanks
The SCP is very fortunate to have received the following generous gifts to support our students:
- Elaine and Myron Jacobson Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship
- Vaughn Construction Community Foundation Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship
Research Appreciation Day (RAD) is Right Around the Corner
Please join us in the celebration of RAD 2018 on Friday, April 6th.
- 8:30am &##8211; Research Poster Sessions begin in the Library
- 11:30am &##8211; Luncheon in the MET followed by Keynote Address and Awards
Thanks to Drs. Marian Gaviola and Dorette Ellis for their leadership in overseeing our collegiate engagement with RAD 2018.
Upcoming Events and Activities
March 12-16 | Spring Break for SCP Students |
March 12 | Spring Holiday for Faculty and Staff |
March 16-19 | APhA meeting in Nashville, TN (www.apha2018.com) |
March 28 | Dean Taylor participating in a Health Care Forum at TCU on the Opioid Crisis (7:30-9am) |
March 29 | Class of 2021 Student Picture (Noon in Library Courtyard) |
March 31 | Pharmacist Roundup on UNTHSC Campus (9am-2pm) |
Don’t forget the Center for Academic Performance (CAP) is available to assist all SCP students in meeting your personal and academic goals
We Want to Hear From You
If you have information, ideas, events, organization updates, etc. you would like to share in our eNewsletter, please send them to SCPCommunications@unthsc.edu. This is a communication tool for all SCP Students, Faculty and Staff so your input and feedback are very much appreciated!
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