College of Nursing SANE Grant

North Texas Area Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Consortium (NTXASC)

NTXASC Partners

HSC College of Nursing
JPS Health Network
North Texas Area Community Health Centers
Tarrant County College (TCC)
One Safe Place

NTXASC is a collaborative community effort to increase the number of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) in North Texas and improve access to forensic nurse exams, specifically in rural and medically underserved areas.

HSC’s College of Nursing received a $1.5 million federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration to develop and implement the program.

Registered nurses will learn how to provide forensic exams and high-quality trauma-informed care to sexual assault and domestic violence survivors, as well as adult and adolescent SANE training. Tarrant County College will provide supplemental bilingual education to NTXASC consortium-sponsored SANE RN trainees. Program participants will gain clinical experience at North Texas Area Community Health Centers, JPS Health Network and One Safe Place.

Registered Nurses who want to become SANEs can receive an award toward tuition for HSC’s RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing, MSN in Practice Innovation, and MSN in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitoner programs.

UNTHSC’s Forensic Nursing microcredential starts summer 2025. Click here to submit an interest form to stay updated on the latest developments.


  • Increase the number of trained and certified SANEs in North Texas, including bilingual SANEs
  • Increase the number of available training sites throughout North Texas;
  • Expand access to forensic nurse examinations;
  • And foster an environment supportive of SANE training, practice and retention.





College of Nursing NTXASC Project Roles

Karen Meadow Headshot 2

Karen Meadows, MSN, RN
Project Co-Investigator

Contact for additional information.