College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences

Our Research

Hodge Lab 1 Jessica Cropped

Dr. Hodge’s laboratory has developed animal models to evaluate the effect of osteopathic manipulative techniques (OMT) on the lymphatic and immune systems. Using these models, they demonstrated that OMT increases the number of immune cells and mucosal derived lymphocytes in lymphatic circulation. Additionally, they found these treatments boost protective immunity, reduce pulmonary bacteria, enhance antibiotic efficacy, and inhibit the formation of solid tumors. It is likely that by enhancing the lymphatic redistribution of immune cells and inflammatory mediators, these treatments facilitate the trafficking of immune cells with protective biological activities; however, the exact mechanism is still under their investigation. Research studies such as these are essential to identify the mechanism of action of CAM therapies and provide an evidence-base for their clinical use.

Jessica 1

Dr. Hodge’s research has been recognized internationally by basic science researchers, clinicians, and researchers in the fields of massage therapy, physical therapy, and osteopathic medicine. Recently her research was highlighted in Seffinger, M.A. Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine 4th Ed. East Lansing: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2018. Her research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Academy of Osteopathy, and the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation.

Complete list of publications in My Bibliography


Book chapters:
L.M. Hodge. Lymph, Fascia and Inflammation. In T. Liem, P Tozzi and A Chila (Editors), Fascia in the Osteopathic Field. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Handspring Publishing Limited; 2017:69-75.


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Invited reviews and editorials:
Langevin, H., Keely, P., Mao, J., Hodge, L.M., Schleip, R., Deng, G., Hinz, B., Swartz, M., Beverley de Valois, B., Zick, S. and Findley, T. Connecting (t)issues: How Research in Fascia Biology can Impact Integrative Oncology. Cancer Res 2016: Nov 1;76(21):6159-6162.

Hodge, L.M. Decongestive Physiotherapy for the Treatment of Lymphedema. Blood and Lymph. 2012; 2 (1).

Hodge, L.M. Osteopathic Lymphatic Pump Treatments to Enhance Immunity and Treat Pneumonia. Int J Osteopath Med 2012: 15, 13-21.

Hodge, L.M. and H.F. Downey, H.F. Lymphatic Pump Treatment Enhances the Lymphatic and Immune Systems. Exp Biol Med 2011. Oct 1;236(10):1109-15. PMID: 21865405.