College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences

CBTS students earn awards for outstanding cardiovascular research

May 7, 2024 • CBTS, P&A, Research, students

CBTS announced new student awards and an upcoming symposium to support and enhance translational cardiovascular research at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth.

Students Selina Tucker and Lindsey Hudson are recipients of the inaugural Robert J. Hardin Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Translational Cardiovascular Research. The awards will be presented annually to PhD and MS students based on research achievements including publications, presentations at national and international meetings, grants and research awards.

“These inaugural awards recognize the high-quality research of these very deserving students,” said Dr. Johnathan Tune, chair and professor of physiology and anatomy at HSC.

“Cardiovascular issues like heart disease and stroke affect millions of Americans every year. With these awards and the upcoming symposium, we’re raising awareness for cardiovascular health and calling attention to the critical research happening right here at HSC.”

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Lindsey Hudson Headshot Copy
Lindsey Hudson
Selina Tucker Hsc Sbs Copy
Selina Tucker