Cara Fisher
Cara L. Fisher, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Center for Anatomical Sciences
College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences
University of North Texas Health Science Center
Ft. Worth, TX 76107
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences. University of North Texas HSC (2018).
M.S. Clinical Anatomy. Creighton University (2002).
B.S. Health Promotion. Walla Walla University (1998).
Curriculum Vitae
At UNTHSC, I serve as the course director for the MPAS 5401 (Physician Assistant) gross anatomy course. I am also a lecturer and laboratory instructor for dissection-based anatomy courses for first-year medical, physical therapy and graduate students, and mentor advanced medical and graduate students in elective dissection courses.
Courses Taught
- DPHT 7400: Clinical Anatomy (physical therapy students).
- MPAS 5401: Clinical Anatomy (physician assistant students).
- MEDE 7811: Musculoskeletal and Skin Systems 1 (medical students).
- MEDE 7812: Nervous System 1 (medical students).
- MEDE 7615: Cardiopulmonary System 1 (medical students).
- MEDE 7611: Gastrointestinal & Renal Systems 1 (medical students).
- MEDE 7715: Reproductive & Endocrine Systems 1 (medical students).
- SARS 5401: Structural Anatomy (graduate students).
I am heavily involved with outreach programs supported by the Center for Anatomical Sciences, including the UNTHSC Anatomy Pre-matriculation Workshop and directorship of the Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences (TABS) Summer Bridge Program. These programs are designed to get K-12 and college students interested in science and medicine as future career choices by exposing them to the unique opportunities found in medical and/or graduate school..
Selected Publications
- Fisher CL, Rabbani T, Johnson K, Reeves RE, and Wood A. 2019. Diagnostic capability of dynamic ultrasound evaluation of supination-external rotation ankle injuries: a cadaveric study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 20(1), 502.
- Beck CM, Dickerson AR, Kadado, KJ, Cohen ZA, Blair SE, Motley TA, Holcomb JC, Fisher CL. 2019. Novel Investigation of the Deep Band of the Lateral Plantar Aponeurosis and Its Relationship with the Lateral Plantar Nerve. Foot and Ankle International. DOI: 10.1177/1071100719864352.
- Farrell M, Dhume M, Fisher CL, Reeves R. 2019. Massive right-sided hiatal hernia variation. International Journal of Anatomical Variation. 2019; 12(1):013-014
- Baillio MR, Reeves RE, Fisher CL. 2018. Variation of Posterior Deltoid Muscle. International Journal of Anatomical Variation. 11(1); 11-12
- Cromeens B, Kirchhoff C, Patterson R, Motley T, Stewart D, Fisher C, Reeves, R. 2015. An Attachment Based Description of The Medial Collateral and Spring Ligament Complexes. Foot and Ankle International. 36: 710-721.
- Cromeens BP, Patterson R, Sheedlo HJ, Motley T, Stewart D, Fisher C, Suzuki S, Su F, Reeves RE. 2012. Association of Hindfoot Ligament Tears and Osteochondral Lesions. Foot and Ankle International. 32: 1164-1174.
- Kauffman, TH., Borman W, Fisher C, Olinger O. 2013. Variation of the Radial Nerve, Ulnar Nerve and Axillary Nerve in Innervation of the Triceps Brachii. Clinical Anatomy. 26: 1036-1062.
- Cromeens BP, Fisher C, Sheedlo HJ, Reeves RE. 2010. Ligament and Articular Surface Anatomic Variability in the Hindfoot. Clinical Anatomy. 23:1005-1040.
- Reeves RE, Belcher R, Fisher C, Sheedlo HJ. 2010. A Biomedical Skills Research and Education Laboratory for Anatomy Training and Outreach. Clinical Anatomy. 23: 1010-1011.
- Sheedlo HJ, Webb B, Reeves R, Fisher C, Routh R, Kosmopoulos V, Bunata R. 2009. Is Lateral Wear of the Capitulum Related to Tennis Elbow? Clinical Anatomy. 22: 107
- Fisher C, Tubbs S, Curry B, Jordan R, Loukas M. 2007. The Inferior Phrenic Artery Revisited. Clinical Anatomy. 20: 719.
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