CBTS Departmental Faculty Mentoring Program
The University of North Texas has developed a Mentoring Guidebook that outlines the overarching goals and qualities of faculty mentoring. We have developed guidelines specific to the College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences (GSBS) Departmental Mentoring Program that further clarify the roles and responsibilities for Mentees and theirs Mentoring Committees.
A new junior faculty’s Mentoring Committee is intended to provide support, guidance, evaluation of grants and manuscripts, advice on teaching, and any other guidance needed, with the intention of successfully moving toward promotion. Associate and Full Professors are also encouraged to have mentors.
Junior faculty benefit from the input of diverse mentoring team, because the different mentors can provide valuable professional and personal guidance on a range of topics. The Mentoring Committee should include at least one senior faculty from within the institution and one mentor from outside the institution. The department chair will work with the junior faculty to help identify their mentors. Service as a faculty mentor should be acknowledged and rewarded because it plays a significant role in the life of the department.
Overview of CBTS Mentoring Program
The CBTS Mentoring Program will be introduced to all new CBTS faculty as part of their appointment packet and New Faculty Orientation. Furthermore, the Mentoring Program Guidelines will be included as links on the departmental website. In consultation with the department chair, the new faculty member will form their Mentoring Committee during their first year of appointment.
Mentoring Committee Guidelines
- Mentoring Committee should meet with new faculty during the 1st semester of the mentee’s appointment
- Faculty mentors should be tenured faculty
- If the focus of their research changes, the mentoring committee can be changed
- Mentoring Committees will consist of at least two mentors, with one being from outside the university (an expert in their research area)
- Mentoring Committee will formally meet twice/year, as arranged by mentee
- Additional “informal” mentoring meetings highly encouraged
- Formal mentoring committee meetings should continue as long as needed
- The P&T Committee 3 and 6 year evaluations should be shared with the Mentoring Committee
- The mentoring committee will provide written summaries of their feedback to junior faculty (within one week of the meeting) which will be shared with the department chair and could be used to formulate OKRs
Mentee’s Responsibilities
- Regularly interact with mentors (at least two meetings/year with the whole committee)
- Discuss progress, problems or concerns with mentors
- Clearly define their career goals and work to integrate them into a Career Development Plan
- Carry out agreed upon career development activities
Mentor’s Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide advice and where appropriate, review manuscripts proposals, grant development and teaching advice.
- Help with institutional socialization (provides a foundation networking and collaborations)
- Facilitate the creation of a Mentee Career Development Plan that includes:
- A plan for academic productivity (publications, teaching, etc.)
- A research agenda (grants, collaborations & new skills)
- Help with developing teaching skills
- Developing a sense of collegiality
Topics for Mentor-Mentee Discussion
- Short-term and long-term career goals and professional interests
- Publishing
- Progression towards tenure
- Tenure Process
- Collaborating on research
- Preparing OKRs
- Integration into HSC culture
- Advising/mentoring students
Role of the Department Chairs
Chairs should build a positive culture for mentoring by:
- Recognizing how important faculty mentoring is for the success of junior faculty
- Keep faculty updated on new policies or resources that concern mentoring
- Talk to faculty members about mentoring (being mentored OR being a mentor)
Chairs should encourage participation in Dean’s Office programs that:
- Provide junior faculty with information and resources for grant writing (ie, Research Café)
- Provide resources for success in teaching (ie, CIL)
Chairs should also:
- Assess the potential mentor pool – not everyone is a good mentor
- Ensure that mentors meet with their mentees regularly (even informally); this will be monitored by a departmental administrator
Mentor/Mentee Agreement
Formative Evaluation
- Biannual formal presentation to Mentoring Committee with additional meetings scheduled (by mentee or mentors) as needed
- Incorporated into Discussion of OKRs with Department Chair
- Annual assessment
Summative Evaluation – Annual evaluation of Mentee productivity; Assessment of Mentee’s independence conducted in year three by their department P&T Committee
Please CLICK HERE to download the evaluation forms.
Respond to mentee’s invitation to be on the committee | Identify and contact potential mentors |
Assess the “fit”, professional and personal, with the mentee | Identify at least two mentors, one external (research area) and one internal; however, the committee can be more than 2 |
Schedule individual mentee meetings | Respond to mentor’s request to meet |
Share information about their background and professional experiences, including previous mentoring experiences | Share information about your background, your needs and your career goals |
Informally clarify common interests & values | Informally clarify common interests & values |
Work together on Mentee Self-Assessment Help mentee clarify career goals. Provide guidance on networking |
Work together on Mentee Self-Assessment |
Complete Mentoring Agreement | Complete Mentoring Agreement |
Set up a schedule for meetings (individual) | Set up a schedule for meetings (committee) |
Provide input on Career Development Plan | Develop a Career Development Plan |
Work with mentee to prepare draft of CD plan Provide guidance on setting 3 year goals Provide guidance on identifying teaching, research & service components of dosier |
Use Mentee Goals Assessment to define career goals Work with department chair on final CD plan |
Provide written feedback from annual review | Schedule annual review meeting of entire committee |
Provide written progress report to the department chair within 1 week of meeting Feedback can be used to guide OKRs |
P&T Committee (3 & 6 year) evaluations | Provide Mentors with P&T Committee evaluations |
Use P&T Committee (3 & 6 year) evaluations to provide guidance |
Complete Evaluation of Mentoring Program | Complete Evaluation of Mentoring Program |
Complete Mentor Final Evaluation form Provide the Dean and chairs with feedback on the impact of the mentoring program Provide the Dean’s office with feedback on changes that need to be made to the program |
Complete Mentee Final Evaluation form Provide the Dean’s office with feedback on the impact of the mentoring program Provide the Dean’s office with feedback on changes that need to be made to the program |
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