Graduation Instructions and Forms
Medical Science Students
Medical Sciences (in person) students who have not met all program requirements such as a 3.0 grade point average, completion of all course work, etc. will not qualify for graduation at the end of the Spring semester. Graduation fees will be assessed to your student account when tuition and fees for the semester of graduation.
Medical Science students must complete the survey by May 5, 2024:
- CBTS Medical Sciences Graduation Survey – The Survey will open on March 13th.
B.S./M.S. and Ph.D. Students
1) File for Graduation Prepare the Declaration of Intent to Graduate form in Microsoft Word and submit to the Office of Student Services according to the date published in the Academic Calendar. Handwritten forms are not accepted.
- Specialized M.S. Student Declaration of Intent to Graduate (MEDSCI)
- (CRM/MSRT/Biotechnology) Specialized Master of Science Declaration of Intent to Graduate
- M.S. or Ph.D. Student Declaration of Intent to Graduate
- Traditional M.S. or Ph.D. Student Declaration of Intent to Graduate (Co-Major Professors)
- Undergraduate Intent To Graduate Form
Upon receipt of the Declaration for Intent to Graduate, the graduation fees collected by the institution will be assessed to your student account. You may pay these fees at the cashier’s window with cash, check or money order or you may pay online with a debit or credit card. Login to MyHSC to pay online.
2) Plan Ahead Consult the Preparation and Electronic Filing of Dissertations, Theses and Internship Practicum Reports at UNTHSC for formatting instructions.
Set deadlines for yourself! Begin with the deadline for completing graduation requirements. Set your defense no later than one week prior to the deadline. This will give you time after your defense to make any corrections required by your advisory committee.
Contact each member of your committee AND your university member to determine a defense date that is agreeable to everyone. Contact your major department’s support staff member in charge of seminars/room scheduling to reserve rooms for both your seminar and defense.
At least one month prior to your defense, you must submit your Declaration of Intent to Defend form to the Office of Student Services.
- MS Intent to Defend 1MP
- MS Intent to Defend 2MP
- Specialized Masters Intent to Defend
- Ph.D. Intent to Defend 1MP
- PhD Intent to Defend 2MP
The information submitted on this form will be used to publish your seminar on The Daily News. You must have a room reservation confirmed to submit this form. If you need assistance with room reservations for your seminar/defense, please contact
Two weeks prior to your defense, you must have a final draft of your thesis/report/dissertation distributed to your advisory committee (including the university member).
3) Seminar and Defense Complete the signature page for your practicum report/thesis/dissertation and take it with you to your defense. If you pass the defense, the committee can sign the forms and you will not have to obtain signatures at a later date. The Report of Final Comprehensive Examination (Defense) form will be sent to your major professor from the CBTS Office of Student Services.
4) Complete Forms, Surveys, Etc.
- Specialized MS Report of Final Comprehensive Examination (Defense) Form and Scoring Rubric – Biotechnology and Clinical Research Management majors
- Traditional MS Evaluation of Thesis Defense and Scoring Rubric – 1 MP (.doc)
- Traditional MS Evaluation of Thesis Defense and Scoring Rubric – 2 MP (.doc)
5) Archive Your Document If you are a student completing a practicum report, thesis, or dissertation, we archive your document both through the Lewis Library and UMI/Proquest. To file your document with the library, you must complete the UNTHSC Electronic Document Filing form in the list above. You will submit a PDF of your report, or your dissertation to the CBTS office along with the other required documents.
You will upload your document to UMI/Proquest yourself. You are responsible for submitting an electronic document that is EXACTLY the same as that approved by your advisory committee. Click here to go to the UMI/Proquest upload site.
6) Verification of completion. When all documents are received, you will receive a letter by e-mail verifying completion of graduation requirements. You can use this letter as verification for employment, proof of degree completion, etc. until your diploma is issued and your transcript finalized.
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