Dr. Michael Allen’s Lab
Michael S. Allen, Ph.D. (Microbiology, University of Tennessee)
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics
Director, Tick-borne Disease Testing Laboratory
Research Interests: Host-microbiome interactions, vector-borne microbial diseases, microbial forensics, probiotics
Current research projects:
Research in the Allen lab has two main themes: host-microbiome interactions and vector-borne diseases. In the former, we are investigating the roles of the microbiome in health and disease in a number of systems including the gut (IBS) and lung (pneumonia), as well as the changes within the microbiome during times of stress and infection. Basic research is then applied to investigate mechanisms for modulating the microbiome community and the use of natural and genetically engineered probiotic bacteria for the treatment of diseases such as PKU. Vector-borne disease research in the laboratory focuses on pathogens associated with ticks (e.g. Borrelia spp., Rickettsia spp.) and triatomes (vectors of the parasite causing Chagas disease), and studies of the vector’s microbiome in an effort to identify factors that may influence their capacity to transmit disease. Our lab also conducts pathogen screening of ticks for the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Go to: Tick Testing Services
Current courses taught:
MMED 6206-Fundamentals of Microbiology
MMED 6301-Molecular Genetics
MMED 5500 Microbiomes in Health and Disease
MMED 5103-Seminar in Current Topics
MMED 5390/1-Special Topics in Bacterial Genetics
MMED 5095-Moot Court
Potential lab openings:
We are always interested in talented PhD students. Please contact us to discuss current availabilities.
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