Dual Degree Programs

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Michael Smith, PhD, Director of Dual Degree Programs

Office: EAD 324E | Phone: 817-735-2514 | MichaelL.Smith@unthsc.edu

Rance Berg, PhD, Assistant Dean of Graduate Education and Admissions

Office: CBH 361 | Phone: 817-735-2121 | Rance.Berg@unthsc.edu

The College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences at HSC offers PharmD/MS and PharmD/PhD degrees in collaboration with the HSC College of Pharmacy, and DO/MS and DO/PhD degrees in collaboration with the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. All dual degree students will matriculate into one of eight traditional disciplines upon completion of the appropriate coursework and milestones. Once these students have matriculated into a discipline, they will be advised by the graduate advisor of the discipline and will complete additional requirements of the specific discipline. The traditional disciplines are: Biochemistry & Cancer Biology; Cell Biology, Immunology & Microbiology; Genetics; Integrative Physiology; Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacotherapy; Pharmacology & Neuroscience; Structural Anatomy & Rehabilitation Sciences; and Visual Sciences. Students receive a competency based, individualized training through original research, formal classroom education, problem-based learning, seminars, and journal clubs.

Faculty members in the College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences are engaged in various aspects of Biomedical research related to the traditional disciplines. A dual degree student can pursue research in any of the faculty labs that are accepting new students at the time the dual degree student matriculates into the Graduate School of Biomedical Research. Specific research interests of faculty can be found at the UNTHSC Experts Website.