Dr. Nicole Phillips earns HSC’s 2024 Faculty Achievement Award
May 1, 2024 • CBTS, faculty, MIG, Research
On May 1, Dr. Nicole Phillips, assistant professor, microbiology, immunology and genetics, in the College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences was awarded The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth’s prestigious Faculty Achievement Award.
The Faculty Achievement Award Committee annually selects one winner based on a nominee’s achievements in teaching, research and scholarship, service and leadership. A committee comprised of one senator and one faculty member from five of HSC’s six colleges and schools reviews the nominations. Since the College of Nursing is a new school, they did not have any nominees during the award period.
Dr. Phillips, was nominated for her teaching, research/scholarship, service and performance/professionalism. Phillips has also received the Golden Apple Teaching Award from CBTS on two separate occasions.
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