Sample Degree Plans

  • Fall Semester: 13 hours
    • BMSC 3301 – Biomedical Statistics, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3321 – Biomedical Ethics, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3401 – Biochemistry, 4 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
  • Spring Semester: 15 hours
    • BMSC 3101 – Analysis of Scientific Literature, 1 hour
    • BMSC 3402 – Human Anatomy, 4 hours
    • BMSC 3403 – Human Physiology, 4 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
  • Summer Semester: 7 hours
    • BMSC 3404 Applied Microbiology 4
    • BMSC XXXX Elective 3
  • Fall Semester: 12 hours
    • BMSC 3322 – Scientific Communication for Health Professions, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3323 – Introduction to Health Disparities, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3324 – Fundamentals of Psychology, 3 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
  • Fall Semester: 10 hours
    • BMSC 3301 – Biomedical Statistics, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3321 – Biomedical Ethics, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3401 – Biochemistry, 4 hours
  • Spring Semester: 10 hours
    • BMSC 3402 – Human Anatomy, 4 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
  • Summer Semester: 4 hours
    • BMSC 3404 Applied Microbiology 4
  • Fall Semester: 9 hours
    • BMSC 3322 – Scientific Communication for Health Professions, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3323 – Introduction to Health Disparities, 3 hours
    • BMSC 3324 – Fundamentals of Psychology, 3 hours
  • Spring Semester: 8 hours
    • BMSC 3101 – Analysis of Scientific Literature, 1 hour
    • BMSC 3403 – Human Physiology, 4 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
  • Summer Semester: 6 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours
    • BMSC XXXX – Elective, 3 hours

BS-BMSC Courses

  • BMSC 3101 – Analysis of Scientific Literature, 1 hour
  • BMSC 3301 – Biomedical Statistics, 3 hours
  • BMSC 3321 – Biomedical Ethics, 3 hours
  • BMSC 3322 – Scientific Communication for Health Professions, 3 hours
  • BMSC 3323 – Introduction to Health Disparities, 3 hours
  • BMSC 3324 – Fundamentals of Psychology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 3401 – Biochemistry, 4 hours
  • BMSC 3402 – Human Anatomy, 4 hours
  • BMSC 3403 – Human Physiology, 4 hours
  • BMSC 3404 – Applied Microbiology, 4 hours
  • BMSC 4301 Anthropology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4302 Human Embryology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4303 Genetics, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4304 Pharmacology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4305 Histology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4306 Immunology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4307 Applied Molecular and Cell Biology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4308 Fundamentals of Neuroscience, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4309 Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4310 Toxicology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4311 Medical Biochemistry , 3 hours
  • BMSC 4312 Medical Microbiology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4321 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4322 Epidemiology, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4125 Career Readiness, 1 hour
  • BMSC 4326 Scientific and Technical Writing, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4327 Biomedical Entrepreneurship, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4328 Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4329 Health and Well-being, 3 hours
  • BMSC 4330 Comparative Anatomy, 3 hours

Course descriptions

BMSC 3401 Biochemistry
Students analyze chemical and biological events in living systems. This course covers the structural and functional relationship, metabolic pathways, and bioenergetics of biological molecules. Students utilize at-home laboratory kits to deepen their understanding of these concepts.

BMSC 3402 Human Anatomy
Students study the morphological structures and 3D relationships of the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems. Students utilize at-home laboratory kits to deepen their understanding of these concepts.

BMSC 3403 Human Physiology
Students apply cellular mechanisms and systems physiology to homeostasis and the pathophysiological basis of certain diseases. Featured systems include nervous, immune, endocrine, urinary, respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular, digestive, and reproductive. Students utilize at-home laboratory kits to deepen their understanding of these concepts.

BMSC 3404 Applied Microbiology
Students apply knowledge of microorganisms, microbial diversity, and microbial-environmental interactions to their roles in health and disease. Course topics include microbial structure, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and ecology while emphasizing infectious diseases and public health. Students utilize at-home laboratory kits to deepen their understanding of these concepts.

BMSC 3101 Analysis of Scientific Literature
Students develop processes to understand, analyze, and critique current research articles in biomedical sciences. Students will also learn to identify conflicts of interest, bias, and data manipulation in research articles.

BMSC 3301 Biomedical Statistics
Students utilize statistical methods relevant to the biomedical sciences. This course includes descriptive statistics, power analysis, and parametric and non-parametric methods of hypothesis testing including two-sample tests, analysis of variance, regression, and correlation analyses. Students develop competency with statistical software.

BMSC 3321 Biomedical Ethics
Students analyze and apply a range of ethical issues in biomedical sciences and healthcare. Topics covered may include animals in research, human subjects in research, medical rationing, genetics, stem cell research, end of life care, research integrity, conflict of interest, intellectual property, and relevant laws.

BMSC 3322 Scientific Communication for Health Professions
Students develop skills to communicate scientific content clearly and effectively. Key elements include best practices of scientific communication in different forums, principles of scientific writing, and ways to communicate science to different audiences.

BMSC 3323 Introduction to Health Disparities
The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding about the determinants and consequences of health inequalities and learn to advocate for reducing existing health disparities. Focuses on the economic, financial, political, and social causes for the growth of health disparities and the consequences for health. Students will gain skills to identify the underlying causes of health inequalities and how to develop and implement effective solutions.

BMSC 3324 Fundamentals of Psychology
Students explore the theoretical foundation of psychology, emphasizing the physiological basis of behavior and psychological processes, including development, learning, motivation, perception, and emotion.

BMSC 4301 Anthropology
Students examine and analyze the biological and biocultural aspects of human evolution. The course focuses on reconstructing the forms, adaptations, and lifestyles of prehistoric humans in order to understand the functional morphological and physiological changes that define human evolutionary history and lead us to the present. Moreover, the course will contextualize modern medical problems by exploring the biological underpinnings of human health and disease.

BMSC 4302 Human Embryology
Students examine the anatomical relationships of the major body systems and organs during development. Course topics include early development beginning with fertilization, gametogenesis, and then major events through the embryonic and fetal periods. Students will apply knowledge of embryological development to congenital malformations associated with specific organ systems.

BMSC 4303 Genetics
Students apply the physical basis of inheritance and principles of heredity and variation to illustrate topics such as: Mendelian genetics, non-Mendelian genetics, cytogenetics, gene expression and regulation, and DNA technologies.

BMSC 4304 Pharmacology
Students examine the fundamental principles of pharmacology including pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, ligand-receptor interactions, and their consequent biological effects. Students also explore current topics such as drug discovery and development and pharmaco-genetics and -genomics.

BMSC 4305 Histology
Students investigate the microscopic structure of cells and tissues, tissue characteristics, and tissue types. Students apply this knowledge to organ system physiology.

BMSC 4306 Immunology
Students examine the molecular nature of the human immune system. Course topics include cellular and noncellular components of immunity, the development and repertoire of immune cells, adaptive and innate responses, and the role of the immune system in health and disease.

BMSC 4307 Applied Molecular and Cellular Biology
Students apply concepts in cell biology, including cell biogenesis, dynamic cellular processes, cell communication, and multicellular organization to human health and disease. This course also covers current methods to study molecular and cellular biology.

BMSC 4308 Fundamentals of Neuroscience
Students integrate the structure and function of the human nervous system utilizing neuroanatomy, neurohistology, and neurophysiology. This course includes topics on synaptic transmission, information integration, transduction to perception, sensory/motor systems, and higher brain functions.

BMSC 4309 Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism
Students apply knowledge of biochemistry to nutrition, health, and disease. Topics include absorption and biological role of macro- and micronutrients, integration and regulation of metabolic pathways, metabolic rate, and the impact of exercise, age, and disease. Prerequisite: Student must complete BMSC 3401.

BMSC 4310 Toxicology
Students apply the basic principles of toxicology such as absorption, biotransformation, mechanism, and elimination to both organ and non-organ specific toxicity. Students also examine the individual and public health impacts of various toxic agents including pesticides, radiation, venom/poison, plants, and air pollution.

BMSC 4311 Medical Biochemistry
Students examine the interrelationship between biochemical principles and various health issues such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, malnutrition, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Prerequisite: Student must complete BMSC 3401.

BMSC 4312 Medical Microbiology
Students relate biological characteristics of microbes to principles of disease transmission and prevention. Topics covered include disease-causing microbes, pathogenesis and immunity, antibiotic resistance, diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, and the role of the human microbiome in health and disease. Prerequisite: Student must complete BMSC 3404.

BMSC 4321 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology
Students integrate anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics as they relate to the analysis of human movement. This course emphasizes the impact of muscle function on musculoskeletal movements. Prerequisite: Student must complete BMSC 3402.

BMSC 4322 Epidemiology
Students utilize the principles of epidemiology to identify factors that cause and prevent disease, assess the public health consequence of disease, and describe the natural history and occurrence of diseases. Additionally, students develop skills to critically evaluate disease prevention plans.

BMSC 4125 Career Readiness in Health Professions
Students in this course will explore a variety of medical and allied health careers, including the roles, responsibilities, education, and training required for each career. This course will focus on improving academic and non-academic qualifications for students to succeed on their future career paths. Topics covered will include interviewing skills, application processes, essay writing, emotional intelligence, study skills, time management, and stress management.

BMSC 4326 Scientific and Technical Writing
Students develop and refine writing skills necessary for health professional careers. This course focuses on understanding the writing situation and provides students with the opportunity to practice writing in response to professional, science, and technical situations.

BMSC 4327 Biomedical Entrepreneurship
Students examine the concepts of entrepreneurship, including the entrepreneurial mindset, the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management, and the impact of value creation on our economy. Students apply methods and skills that can increase their chances of venture success to their ideas.

BMSC 4328 Genetic and Genomic Medicine
Students apply knowledge of genetics and genomics within a healthcare setting. This course includes topics on clinical laboratory applications, variant classification, and patient counseling. Prerequisite: Student must complete BMSC 4303

BMSC 4329 Health and Well-being
Students explore the holistic interrelationship of the factors that influence our overall health and well-being. Topics include mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, and social health. Practical methods of promoting personal health and well-being are investigated and applied.

BMSC 4330 Comparative Anatomy
Students examine animal anatomy by considering morphological structures in terms of evolution, development, and ecological function. Special attention will be given to animals frequently used as models in biomedical research.