Center for Older Adults
Author: Lisa Buck

February 3, 2023 • Uncategorized
Asked what older adults can do to foster heart health, Janice Knebl, DO, MBA, geriatrician, Regent Professor at the HSC Center for Older Adults, and Chief Medical Officer for HSC Health, pointed to recent findings about the importance of close relationships to health, happiness and longevity. "Longitudinal studies, such as the Harvard Study of Adult Development, have greatly…

December 2, 2022 • Uncategorized
Dementia C.A.R.E.S. (Caregiver Access to Resources, Education & Support) is a FREE six-week caregiver education and support program for those caring for someone with dementia. Each week of the program focuses on a different topic including: Behavioral Changes How to Ask for Help Communication Skills Community Resources Dementia Live Caring for the Caregiver Wednesdays, 10:30…

December 2, 2022 • Uncategorized
The HSC Center for Older Adults Community Advisory Council is a group of community volunteers who share their experience, ideas, and recommendations about how education programs for the health professions can positively impact healthcare and health outcomes for older adults. Their input is used to inform the development of quality instructional and informational materials for…
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