Student Conduct and Civility FAQ
This FAQ page is designed to be a resource and snapshot of frequently asked questions about the student conduct process. It is not intended to be used in substitution for the Student Code of Conduct and Civility. Please contact if you have any additional questions.
Frequently asked questions from students:
I have been accused of misconduct; what should I do?
If the incident was reported to the Office of Care and Civility and the reviewing Student Conduct Officer determines a violation of the Code could have occurred, you will receive a notice from the office. The notice will detail next steps in the conduct process. If you have questions, you can reach out to
What happens during a student conduct meeting?
You will meet with a Student Conduct Officer, review any evidence associated with the case, and share your perspective on the alleged incident and evidence. The Student Conduct Officer will decide whether or not there is a responsible finding for a Code violation and will assign disciplinary action if you are found responsible for violating the Code. The full process is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Civility.
What happens if I am accused of misconduct?
A Student Conduct Officer reviews all reports of alleged violations of the Code. In the event the allegation, if taken as true, would be a violation of the Code, you will receive an official “Notice of Complaint” and meet with a Student Conduct Officer to discuss the allegations.
Can I appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Officer?
Yes, students may request a Review of the findings of the conduct conference with the Student Conduct Officer by following the instructions in the Notice of Outcome. If a student was found responsible for violating the Code and assigned disciplinary probation, suspension, and/or expulsion, the review will be heard by the Student Conduct Committee. If a student was found responsible for violating the Code and assigned a written warning, loss of privileges, and/or restitution, the Executive Director for Student and Academic Success will hear your Review.
I agree I violated the Code, but I think the disciplinary action is too harsh. Can I accept responsibility but request a review of the disciplinary action assigned?
Yes, you can specify whether you would like to request a review of the responsible finding and/or the disciplinary action by submitting a Request for Review. The process for doing so is outlined in the Notice of Outcome sent to you be the Student Conduct Officer.
What is the Student Conduct Committee?
The Student Conduct Committee is a group convened at the request of a student for the purpose of reviewing either the assigned disciplinary action or finding of responsibility of a Student Conduct Officer. The Student Conduct Committee has the authority to uphold, overturn, or modify the original outcome.
What happens during a Review?
In matters of disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion, you will meet with the Student Conduct Committee, which is comprised of a faculty member, staff member, an Honor Code Representative, and the Committee Chair. The Student Conduct Officer and the student will make opening statements, and the Committee will have an opportunity to ask questions of the student and the Student Conduct Officer regarding the alleged behavior. Once questioning concludes, the student and the Student Conduct Officer will provide closing statements. The Committee will then convene privately to discuss an outcome which will be shared with the student via a Notice of Outcome. The full process is outlined in The Code.
Can I appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Committee?
Yes, if you disagree with the decision of the Student Conduct Committee, you can submit a request for review by following the instructions in your Notice of Outcome sent by the Committee Chairperson. For academic dishonesty cases, your request for review will be heard by your academic dean. For behavioral cases, the Vice Provost for Student Affairs will hear your Review.
Can I appeal the decision of my academic Dean or the Senior Student and Academic Affairs Officer?
Decisions made by your academic dean and the Vice Provost for Student Affairs are final.
Will I be suspended or expelled for a violation of the Code?
Every matter of student conduct is decided case-by-case, and the assignment of disciplinary actions depends on the nature of the violation and a student’s prior conduct history (any past responsible findings). During your conduct conference with a Student Conduct Officer, you will be able to ask questions related to possible disciplinary action(s).
Will this go on my MSPE?
If you are found responsible for violating the Code and assigned disciplinary actions such as a written warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, and/or expulsion, those will be indicated on your MSPE.
Will this be reported once I start residency? Will this impact my career?
The HSC reports information consistent with FERPA practices, which may include reporting on conduct issues.
I’ve been found responsible for academic dishonesty; what will happen to my grade?
In addition to any disciplinary action(s), if a student is found in violation of the Code, an instructor may award partial or no credit for an assignment or assessment on which a student engaged in academic dishonesty. An instructor may assign a failing grade for a course in which a student has engaged in academic dishonesty.
What do I do if someone has violated the Code?
If you believe someone has violated the Code, you can make a report by utilizing the Person of Concern Reporting Form.
Can I submit an anonymous report?
Yes, reports can be submitted anonymously. A Student Conduct Officer cannot contact you regarding any additional information needed for the case nor provide you with any information should you choose to report anonymously.
What happens if a student does not respond to a Notice of Complaint?
The student conduct process allows students to be heard and respond to available evidence. Students have 5 business days to respond to a Notice of Complaint to arrange a meeting. If a student chooses not to respond during that period, the conduct process may continue without the student’s input on the case.
What is the preponderance of evidence standard?
The preponderance of evidence standard is the amount of evidence necessary to establish whether an allegation is more likely than not to have occurred. This is the standard used in matters of student conduct.
What is an Honor Code Representative?
In instances of academic dishonesty, students can request an Honor Code Representative be present during their conduct conference. An Honor Code Representative is a student appointed from an academic program who will be present during a conduct conference to ask clarifying questions and provide an additional student perspective.
Can my lawyer be present at my conduct conference?
Yes, though it is important to note the conduct process is not a legal proceeding. Your lawyer may be present as your advisor, but you are required to represent yourself – the attorney cannot speak on your behalf. You may consult with your advisor at any time during the conduct process. Lastly, your advisor is not permitted to address the Student Conduct Officer or the Committee at any time during the conduct process.
Can my lawyer be present at my conduct conference?
Yes, though it is important to note the conduct process is not a legal proceeding. Your lawyer may be present as your advisor, but you are required to represent yourself – the attorney cannot speak on your behalf. You may consult with your advisor at any time during the conduct process. Lastly, your advisor is not permitted to address the Student Conduct Officer or the Committee at any time during the conduct process.
Will the outcome go on my transcript?
Suspension and expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript. All conduct outcomes are a part of a student’s behavioral record and subject to FERPA.
Can my lawyer be present at my conduct conference?
Yes, though it is important to note the conduct process is not a legal proceeding. Your lawyer may be present as your advisor, but you are required to represent yourself – the attorney cannot speak on your behalf. You may consult with your advisor at any time during the conduct process. Lastly, your advisor is not permitted to address the Student Conduct Officer or the Committee at any time during the conduct process.
Will the outcome go on my transcript?
Suspension and expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript. All conduct outcomes are a part of a student’s behavioral record and subject to FERPA.
Can my lawyer be present at my conduct conference?
Yes, though it is important to note the conduct process is not a legal proceeding. Your lawyer may be present as your advisor, but you are required to represent yourself – the attorney cannot speak on your behalf. You may consult with your advisor at any time during the conduct process. Lastly, your advisor is not permitted to address the Student Conduct Officer or the Committee at any time during the conduct process.
Will the outcome go on my transcript?
Suspension and expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript. All conduct outcomes are a part of a student’s behavioral record and subject to FERPA.
If I'm found responsible for the alleged misconduct, who will be notified?
Employees of HSC that have a business need to know student conduct information may be informed of a responsible finding.
This includes the dean of your college and other employees within your college designated by the dean, student affairs leadership, and other offices that could include HSC PD, Testing and Evaluation Services, and the Office of the Registrar and Student records, among others.
Unless requested by you, only other employees with a business need to know your conduct information will be able to request that information.
Can I use AI to create structure or outline my assignment?
Your instructor determines what resources, including AI, are authorized or unauthorized. If your instructor deems AI an unauthorized resource, it is not permissible to use that resource on the assignment, even for structure, outlines, or references. If you have questions about what is an appropriate use of AI, please make sure to read the assignment instructions and the course syllabus. If you still have questions, seek clarification from your instructor.
Frequently asked questions from Faculty/Staff:
What should I do if I suspect a code violation has occurred?
You should submit a “Person of Concern Reporting Form” and include any relevant evidence. If you are referring a student for academic dishonesty, refrain from grading their work until the investigation has concluded. If you need to submit grades, submit a “Z” grade as a placeholder, and update the grade once the investigation has concluded.
What information should I include in my report?
You should include when and where the incident occurred and describe what happened. It is essential to attach any relevant evidence to the report, such as a copy of the assignment, TurnItIn reports, or any relevant communications you have had with the student.
What happens after I report an incident?
The Student Conduct Officer assigned to the case will review the report and any evidence submitted. They will then determine whether or not a code violation could have occurred. If a violation could have occurred, the student will be sent a “Notice of Complaint.” If a faculty or staff member has submitted the report, they will likely be cc’d on the “Notice of Complaint” and the “Notice of Outcome” sent to the student.
What happens if a report is submitted about professionalism rather than a Code violation?
If the behavior indicated in a report does not constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Civility, a Student Conduct Officer may assign the reports for consideration as Care Team or Pathways referrals.
I have more evidence, but I have already submitted a conduct referral. Can I add it?
Additional information can be submitted directly to the Student Conduct Officer for the case or submitted to
I suspect a student in my class has used AI on an assignment. What should I do?
If AI is no an authorized resource on the assignment, you should submit a Person of Concern Reporting Form and include relevant evidence. As with any other possible academic dishonesty violation, refrain from grading their work until the conduct process has concluded. If you need to submit grades, submit a “Z” grade as a placeholder. The appropriate grade can be substituted after the conduct process has concluded.
I used an AI detection tool, and it said an assignment has a high likelihood of including AI. Is this evidence of academic dishonesty?
Yes, AI detection tools may count as evidence in the student conduct process. Keep in mind, however, that AI detection tools can return false positives and will not be the sole grounds for a finding in the student conduct process. If you suspect academic dishonesty, submit a Person of Concern Reporting Form and include any relevant evidence. This can include past assignments that may show a change in the student’s writing style.
Can I allow students to use AI in my class?
Yes! While you may want to check with your academic program for internal clarification, nothing in the Student Code of Conduct and Civility prevents instructors from allowing artificial intelligence on assignments or assessments. Instructors have the authority to decide what resources a student may use. Expectations regarding prohibited resources should be communicated to students in advance of the assignment or assessment (e.g. through a syllabus, course discussion, or assignment instructions, or all of the above!).
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