Division of Academic Innovation

HSC Project Management Community of Practice (PMCoP) Monthly Meeting

Zoom Link: Passcode: 928809: https://unthsc.zoom.us/j/82739890457?pwd=bXltbGloS2daY21XQmNLbisvNllVQT09

The Division of Academic Innovation (DAI) invites you to join the HSC Project Management Community of Practice (PMCOP) monthly meeting featuring the following presentation:

Project Management Fundamentals: An Interactive Lecture Session

Speaker: Lavi Vishwanatha, Research Enterprise Solutions Director, Institute for Health Disparities

Time: Thursday, February 23rd, 1:30-3:00 pm

Location: LIB 400 or Zoom

Session Overview

This interactive session will cover the fundamentals of project management that are helpful to everyone working as or with a project manager. This initial session (as part of a lecture series) will introduce the importance and rudimentary aspects of project management.

Learning Objectives

Recognize the growing need for better project management.

Define the foundational terms and concepts of project management.

Identify the key elements of project management.


Feb 23 2023


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


LIB 400 and Zoom


Division of Academic Innovation