Division of Academic Innovation

Canvas Clinic Session 3

HEADLINESTARTHEADLINEENDSPEAKERSSTARTSPEAKERSENDBODYSTARTCanvas modules allow you to organize units of related materials that students can access from any device with an internet connection. Organized content in modules makes great stand-alone resources–review materials, videos, images, and self-paced activities such as practice quizzes, or web quests. You can also use them to try new teaching practices such as flipped classroom models in select lessons.

In this session, Honor Anderson will guide you through creating, editing, organizing, and much more on modules. This is an interactive session and participants will be working in a Canvas sandbox to experience and learn.REGISTRATIONLINKSTARThttps://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/CanvasClinicSession31@myunt.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/s/-Trks3e3-UitHbXSxArx0Q2REGISTRATIONLINKENDBODYENDCOSTSTARTFreeCOSTENDPHYSICALADDRESSSTARTLIB 400PHYSICALADDRESSENDVIRTUALADDRESSSTARTVIRTUALADDRESSENDNOTESSTARTNOTESENDQUESTIONSSTARTPlease direct all questions about this event to Honor Anderson at honor.anderson@unthsc.eduQUESTIONSENDACCREDITATIONDOCUMENTSTARTACCREDITATIONDOCUMENTENDSECONDORGANIZERSTARTThis event was organized in cooperation with Laura Moore.SECONDORGANIZEREND


Sep 29 2022


11:45 am - 1:00 pm


LIB 400


Honor Anderson