AHSE Summer Series Book Study: August (10 a.m.)
Summer AHSE Zoom link: https://unthsc.zoom.us/j/84353066871
AHSE Summer Book Study – Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning
The “Small Teaching” book study is designed to explore James Lang’s insights and strategies for improving teaching practices in higher education. Over three months, participants will delve into Lang’s book, discussing key concepts, sharing experiences, and implementing small teaching techniques in their classrooms.
Link to book: https://unthsc.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1256591650
- Identify the principles of small teaching and its application in higher education.
- Explore strategies for promoting active learning and student engagement.
- Enhance teaching practices through the implementation of small teaching techniques.
- Foster a supportive community of educators committed to continuous improvement.
Month 1: Knowledge
Reading: Introduction and Chapters 1-3 (p. 1-84)
Month 2: Understanding
Reading: Chapters 4-6 (p. 85-158)
Month 3: Implementation and Reflection
Reading: Chapters 7-9 and Conclusion (p.159-239)
Times each month (identical sessions):
Option 1: 10:00-11:00 am
Option 2: 2:00-3:00 pm
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